The 1993 Confirmation Class assembled in front of the stained glass display created by Ruth Wiedenmann for the east wall of Founders Hall(gymnasium), where the confirmation service was held. The 1957 church had already been demolished and the new sanctuary was under construction. For a period of almost 3 years, all worship services and special commemorations were held in the gym. Members of the class: Leah Becknell, Robyn Brooks, Jennifer Cabana, Megan Coles, Laura Cruch, Andrew Dettro, Larisa Fiadini, Michael Gully, Anne Marie Hrncir. Sarah Jakubcin, Preston Kirk, Mimmo Leo, Stacie Lindeman, Ann Lukas, Jared Lukas,Daniel Mc Carter, Gregory Naruta, David Roby, Tracy Rose, Sarah Row, Paul Scalme, Heidi Soflkiancs, Matthew West, Lisa Wethma...