Meridian and acupuncture point(MAP) is a core theory of acupuncture and essential building blocks of oriental medicine. There still continue theoretic or experimental arguments and controversies on the origination or original concept of MAP, without any definite approval or disapproval of a hypothesis. The theory of MAP is an historic product and has never been outside of historic influences. This study discusses the original concept of meridian and acupuncture point theory and its historical evolution, based on the review of classic literatures on meridian including the mawangdui medical texts of Han dynasty. The concept of MAP served as a empirical reference system in clinical settings irrespective of the anatomical entity of MAP
For thousands of years, scientists have studied human anatomy by dissecting bodies. Our knowledge of...
The therapeutic properties of the points of the fourteen meridians are generalized on the basis of t...
The physical nature of the acupuncture meridian system is currently the subject of enquiry. The orig...
Acupuncture meridians are usually considered esoteric structures which serve as conduits for invisib...
AbstractAcupuncture, one of the primary methods of treatment in traditional Oriental medicine, is ba...
The presence of a philosophical foundation in acupuncture has been the cause of many contentions whe...
AbstractMeridian theory is a major part of Chinese medicine and has guided acupuncture and clinical ...
The positioning of the acupuncture points in acupuncture is based upon a particular anatomical map k...
Anatomical dissection has begun to reveal striking similarities between gross anatomical structures ...
The objectives of this research are, first, to establish if the extraordinary acupuncture meridian k...
The aim of this overview is to evaluate the primo vascular system research in the context of the his...
Moxibustion is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It achieved higher level of r...
The anatomical basis for the concept of meridians in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has not been...
Meridians are regarded as the base upon which traditional acupuncture theory is built but, although ...
In the 1890s Sir Henry Head discovered certain areas of the skin that develop tenderness (allodynia)...
For thousands of years, scientists have studied human anatomy by dissecting bodies. Our knowledge of...
The therapeutic properties of the points of the fourteen meridians are generalized on the basis of t...
The physical nature of the acupuncture meridian system is currently the subject of enquiry. The orig...
Acupuncture meridians are usually considered esoteric structures which serve as conduits for invisib...
AbstractAcupuncture, one of the primary methods of treatment in traditional Oriental medicine, is ba...
The presence of a philosophical foundation in acupuncture has been the cause of many contentions whe...
AbstractMeridian theory is a major part of Chinese medicine and has guided acupuncture and clinical ...
The positioning of the acupuncture points in acupuncture is based upon a particular anatomical map k...
Anatomical dissection has begun to reveal striking similarities between gross anatomical structures ...
The objectives of this research are, first, to establish if the extraordinary acupuncture meridian k...
The aim of this overview is to evaluate the primo vascular system research in the context of the his...
Moxibustion is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It achieved higher level of r...
The anatomical basis for the concept of meridians in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has not been...
Meridians are regarded as the base upon which traditional acupuncture theory is built but, although ...
In the 1890s Sir Henry Head discovered certain areas of the skin that develop tenderness (allodynia)...
For thousands of years, scientists have studied human anatomy by dissecting bodies. Our knowledge of...
The therapeutic properties of the points of the fourteen meridians are generalized on the basis of t...
The physical nature of the acupuncture meridian system is currently the subject of enquiry. The orig...