Inventarisasi flora mangrove di Pulau Sepanjnag telah dilakukan. Tercatat 36 jenis tumbuhan mangrove tersebar di 8 lokasi (Pajang Barat, Segentong, Dermaga Sepanjang, Turunan Ceremeh, Calung dan Tarungguk.). Sekitar 23 jenis diantaranya telah ditetapkan oleh IUCN (1997) sebagai tumbuhan langka dengan status kelangkaan terkikis (LR) sampai kritis (CR). Rhizophora apiculata, Ceriops tagal, C. decandra, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Excoecaria agallocha, Xylocarpus moluccensis, X. granatum dan Lumnitzera racemosa, merupakan jenis-jenis yang dijumpai hampir di seluruh lokasi. Sedangkan beberapa jenis hanya ditemukan di lokasi tertentu seperti Calophyllum inophyllum dijumpai di Pajan Barat, Caesalpinia bundoc, Scaevola taccada dan Wedelia biflora...
Mangroves are one of the most productive ecosystems that have ecological, biological, and socio-econ...
Geographically, Indonesia is in the tropics. This causes Indonesian waters to become increasingly ri...
Fifty four species belong to 32 families and 46 genera were recorded in mangrove areas of Tumbu-tumb...
Thirty species which belong 18 families and 24 genera were recorded in mangrove areas of Ra’as, Ai...
This research aims to know the diversity of mangrove in Gedangan Village, Purwodadi Subdistrict, Pur...
Tumbuhan mangrove di Indonesia merupakan yang terbanyak di dunia, baik dari segi kuantitas area (+ 4...
Kerusakan mangrove di Indonesia secara umum disebabkan adanya koversi lahan mangrove menjadi tambak ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan mangrove dan mengidentifikas...
Djamaluddin R. 2018. The mangrove flora and their physical habitat characteristics in Bunaken Nation...
This Research was conducted to determine the diversity of Mangrove vegetation. This Research was con...
Setyawan AD, Ulumuddin YI. 2012. Species diversity of Rhizophora in Tambelan Islands, Natuna Sea, In...
Panjang Island is a small island under the administrative territory Jepara Regency, Central Java Ind...
Abstract:- This paper attempts to give information about the structure of mangrove distribution at T...
Mangrove ecosystem have various important roles as habitat for marine and terrestrial species. Howev...
Mangrove ecosystems have a very important role for the coastal environment, both in terms of physica...
Mangroves are one of the most productive ecosystems that have ecological, biological, and socio-econ...
Geographically, Indonesia is in the tropics. This causes Indonesian waters to become increasingly ri...
Fifty four species belong to 32 families and 46 genera were recorded in mangrove areas of Tumbu-tumb...
Thirty species which belong 18 families and 24 genera were recorded in mangrove areas of Ra’as, Ai...
This research aims to know the diversity of mangrove in Gedangan Village, Purwodadi Subdistrict, Pur...
Tumbuhan mangrove di Indonesia merupakan yang terbanyak di dunia, baik dari segi kuantitas area (+ 4...
Kerusakan mangrove di Indonesia secara umum disebabkan adanya koversi lahan mangrove menjadi tambak ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan mangrove dan mengidentifikas...
Djamaluddin R. 2018. The mangrove flora and their physical habitat characteristics in Bunaken Nation...
This Research was conducted to determine the diversity of Mangrove vegetation. This Research was con...
Setyawan AD, Ulumuddin YI. 2012. Species diversity of Rhizophora in Tambelan Islands, Natuna Sea, In...
Panjang Island is a small island under the administrative territory Jepara Regency, Central Java Ind...
Abstract:- This paper attempts to give information about the structure of mangrove distribution at T...
Mangrove ecosystem have various important roles as habitat for marine and terrestrial species. Howev...
Mangrove ecosystems have a very important role for the coastal environment, both in terms of physica...
Mangroves are one of the most productive ecosystems that have ecological, biological, and socio-econ...
Geographically, Indonesia is in the tropics. This causes Indonesian waters to become increasingly ri...
Fifty four species belong to 32 families and 46 genera were recorded in mangrove areas of Tumbu-tumb...