Experimental control of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) within critical habitat of the endangered half-moon hairstreak butterfly (Satyrium semiluna): A pilot study of Blakiston Fan, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta

  • Oetterich, Sonya Bea
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Publication date
April 2018


Spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) is a non-native invasive forb found throughout North America that suppresses native vegetation and reduces biodiversity. The designation of Blakiston Fan (Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta) as critical habitat for the endangered half-moon hairstreak butterfly (Satyrium semiluna) brought forward concerns of the effects of knapweed management practices on the hairstreak and its native larval and nectar host plants. This pilot study used a randomized complete block design to examine the within-season change in cover of spotted knapweed and silky lupine (Lupinus sericeus) in response to herbicide application and two timings of manual removal (i.e., mid-June and late-July). This study also examined changes...

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