Niniejsza praca zestawia klasycznie rozumiane pojęcie "nicości" i "niebytu" ze współczesną koncepcją z zakresu fizyki i kosmologii, zgodnie z którą Wszechświat mógł powstać z niczego. W pierwszej części pracy przywołane zostają filozoficzne definicje teoretycznie przesądzające o niemożności powstania czegoś z niczego. W kontraście do nich druga część pracy skrótowo przedstawia dokonany przez uznanego fizyka wywód odnoszący się do wspomnianej koncepcji naukowej. Chociaż zagadnienia z zakresu teorii względności i mechaniki kwantowej nie są zrozumiałe bez należytego przygotowania pojęciowego, autor niniejszej pracy stara się je omówić w sposób przystępny, nie tracąc jednocześnie ich kluczowego znaczenia dla omawianej kwestii. W końcowej części...
I trace the concept of nothingness in twentieth century philosophical theology from the work Paull T...
This paper examines the role played by death in the philosophy of Nishitani Keiji, through the nondu...
The aim of this work is to show that the reality is not only the world of being, it is equally the w...
The article discousses philosophical and theological reflections inspired by the cosmological model ...
I distinguish two kinds of notions: concepts (pojęcia) and ideas (koncepcje). Concepts are more gene...
There is a common belief that non-being and nothingness are identical, a widespread, even general de...
This essay in the comparative metaphysic of nothingness begins by pondering why Leibniz thought of t...
Nothingness is a multifaceted problem. The basic difficulty connected with it emerges in the philoso...
The article is devoted to Nothingness as a philosophical category. Various thinkers in different tim...
Artykuł jest próbą analizy kabalistycznej filozofii Gershoma Scholema w kontekście pojęcia nicości, ...
The essay is an exploration proceeding from partly Platonic, or arguably Quinean, premises about the...
Among the possible options for the origin of the universe the most sensible one is nothingness, beca...
ABSTRACT: The problem of nothingness is not a new one, but one can say that it is as old in philosop...
In this article I argue with Democritus and his heirs, that is to say, with a worldview that combine...
The cosmological relevance of emptiness—that is, space without bodies—is not yet suffici...
I trace the concept of nothingness in twentieth century philosophical theology from the work Paull T...
This paper examines the role played by death in the philosophy of Nishitani Keiji, through the nondu...
The aim of this work is to show that the reality is not only the world of being, it is equally the w...
The article discousses philosophical and theological reflections inspired by the cosmological model ...
I distinguish two kinds of notions: concepts (pojęcia) and ideas (koncepcje). Concepts are more gene...
There is a common belief that non-being and nothingness are identical, a widespread, even general de...
This essay in the comparative metaphysic of nothingness begins by pondering why Leibniz thought of t...
Nothingness is a multifaceted problem. The basic difficulty connected with it emerges in the philoso...
The article is devoted to Nothingness as a philosophical category. Various thinkers in different tim...
Artykuł jest próbą analizy kabalistycznej filozofii Gershoma Scholema w kontekście pojęcia nicości, ...
The essay is an exploration proceeding from partly Platonic, or arguably Quinean, premises about the...
Among the possible options for the origin of the universe the most sensible one is nothingness, beca...
ABSTRACT: The problem of nothingness is not a new one, but one can say that it is as old in philosop...
In this article I argue with Democritus and his heirs, that is to say, with a worldview that combine...
The cosmological relevance of emptiness—that is, space without bodies—is not yet suffici...
I trace the concept of nothingness in twentieth century philosophical theology from the work Paull T...
This paper examines the role played by death in the philosophy of Nishitani Keiji, through the nondu...
The aim of this work is to show that the reality is not only the world of being, it is equally the w...