Light and temperature effects on miR156 transgenic switchgrass flowering: A simulated latitudinal study

  • Johnson, Chelsea R.
  • Millwood, Reginald J.
  • Wang, Zeng-Yu
  • Stewart, Neal
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Publication date
November 2017
TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange


The control of flowering in perennial grasses is an important trait, especially among biofuel feedstocks. Lignocellulosic biomass may be increased commensurate with decreased or delayed flowering as the plant allocates energy for stems and leaves harvested for bioenergy at the end of the growing season. For transgenic feedstocks, such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) grown in its geographic center of distribution, it is foreseeable that regulators may require greatly decreased gene flow frequencies to enable commercialization. Transgenic switchgrass with various overexpression levels of a rice microRNA gene, miR156, when grown in field conditions, holds promise for decreased flowering, yielding high biomass, and altered cell wall traits...

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