Monthly, Sept. 2011-; Bimonthly, May/June 2008-Summer 2011; Monthly, Feb. 1997-Apr. 1988; Electronic coverage as of Mar. 10, 2014: Feb. 1997-; Subtitle varies: The Ohio Department of Transportation newsletter, Jan. 2013-; Issues not available for: May 1997-July 1998; Sept. 1998; Nov. 1999-Jan. 2000; Mar., May, Aug. & Oct. 2000; May-July 2001; Jan.-Mar. 2011; Aug.-Dec. 2012.; Some years an "Accomplishments issue" issue is published in Dec. or Jan."The Transcript is the Ohio Department of Transportation's employee newsletter. With features and photos of interest to both ODOT workers and the general public"--Transcript homepage