Long, narrow bladelet has a ridge running down the middle of the obverse face. Reverse face is flat. The ends are straight. It is made of gray Flint Ridge flint. Item was excavated from Esch Mounds in Huron Township, Erie County, Ohio
Large biface has very wide corner notches and nearly straight base. Made of Knife River (North Dak...
Photograph taken at Flint Ridge identified on the reverse as "face of quarry showing flint 3' 7" thi...
Light gray flint point of the lanceolate type that has sides that are mostly parallel but curve outw...
Long, narrow item has a ridge running down middle of the obverse side. Reverse side is flat. Length ...
Lowe-expanding stem point is long and narrow with a lenticular cross section. It has shallow corner ...
Triangular flint biface has deep, narrow corner notches. The sides of the blade are straight. Long e...
Blade made from black obsidian (volcanic glass) is triangular in shape. The sides curve inward from ...
Flat, bar-like slate pendant has five distinct edges. The two longest are slightly incurvate. There ...
Photograph of flint and obsidian blades recovered during the excavation of the Hopewell Mound Group ...
Ceramic vessel has a globular body with an outward flaring rim. Entire exterior surface is covered i...
Photograph of an obsidian blade recovered from Mound No. 25 during the excavation of the Hopewell Mo...
Photograph showing a stone structure found within the Hazlett Mound at Flint Ridge. It is part of a ...
Long, curved biface with a blade chipped to an acute point and corner-notched base. The knife is wel...
Masses of flint exposed at Flint Ridge. Flint Ridge Ancient Quarries and Nature Preserve is located ...
Large biface has very wide corner notches and nearly straight base. Made of Knife River (North Dak...
Photograph taken at Flint Ridge identified on the reverse as "face of quarry showing flint 3' 7" thi...
Light gray flint point of the lanceolate type that has sides that are mostly parallel but curve outw...
Long, narrow item has a ridge running down middle of the obverse side. Reverse side is flat. Length ...
Lowe-expanding stem point is long and narrow with a lenticular cross section. It has shallow corner ...
Triangular flint biface has deep, narrow corner notches. The sides of the blade are straight. Long e...
Blade made from black obsidian (volcanic glass) is triangular in shape. The sides curve inward from ...
Flat, bar-like slate pendant has five distinct edges. The two longest are slightly incurvate. There ...
Photograph of flint and obsidian blades recovered during the excavation of the Hopewell Mound Group ...
Ceramic vessel has a globular body with an outward flaring rim. Entire exterior surface is covered i...
Photograph of an obsidian blade recovered from Mound No. 25 during the excavation of the Hopewell Mo...
Photograph showing a stone structure found within the Hazlett Mound at Flint Ridge. It is part of a ...
Long, curved biface with a blade chipped to an acute point and corner-notched base. The knife is wel...
Masses of flint exposed at Flint Ridge. Flint Ridge Ancient Quarries and Nature Preserve is located ...
Large biface has very wide corner notches and nearly straight base. Made of Knife River (North Dak...
Photograph taken at Flint Ridge identified on the reverse as "face of quarry showing flint 3' 7" thi...
Light gray flint point of the lanceolate type that has sides that are mostly parallel but curve outw...