In this paper we publish an Ibenan set of weapons -swords, lances and dagger essentially-, coming from the cemetery of the settlement so-called Mas de Barberán (Nogueruelas, Teruel). An anthropomorphic stele with an inscription recently studied is associated to the same site. This stele represents an armed with disk-cuirass masculine personage.En este trabajo presentamos un lote inédito de armamento ibérico espadas, lanzas y puñal esencialmente procedente de la necrópolis correspondiente al poblado del Mas de Barberán (Nogueruelas, Teruel). Al mismo yacimiento se asocia la estela antropomorfa con inscripción que representa un personaje masculino armado con disco-coraza, recientemente estudiada
The depicted Iberian pottery found in the archaeological sites of Aragón (Spain) represents a presti...
Español: Las dos varillas de plata en la Tumba del Guerrero de Málaga constituyen un problema todaví...
We study in some detail the Roman weapons represented on a new fragmentary sculpture from the Iberia...
The subject of this paper is a little known Iberian gravestele from Nogueruelas (Teruel). The find-s...
This paper presents a group of Iberian Iron Age weapons from a cemetery at Torremorana (Baena, Córdo...
The sword found in a house at the Bronze Age settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, province of...
Se estudia un pequeño lote de elementos de equipamiento militar de la Segunda Edad del Hierro. Todo...
Estudio sobre el monumento ibérico del Arenero de Monforte del Cid que está constituido por cuatro ...
Estudio tipológico y metalográfico de una falcata ibérica con decoración damasquinada, cuyo motivo ...
In this paper we present the weapons recovered in the Iberian necropolis of La Serreta at Alcoi (Ali...
In this article we study the finds of arrowheads, the iconographic representation of bows, and the l...
This paper aims to study the swords discovered in the necropolis of El Castillo (Castejón, Navarra)....
This paper describes a new Late Bronze Age weapon hoard from the river Guadalquivir (prov. Seville, ...
En el presente artículo se trata el hallazgo de un depósito de armas: espadas, puñal, casco y umbos...
The discovery, on the NE of the Iberian Peninsula, of several Late Iron Age Iberian stelae, sharing ...
The depicted Iberian pottery found in the archaeological sites of Aragón (Spain) represents a presti...
Español: Las dos varillas de plata en la Tumba del Guerrero de Málaga constituyen un problema todaví...
We study in some detail the Roman weapons represented on a new fragmentary sculpture from the Iberia...
The subject of this paper is a little known Iberian gravestele from Nogueruelas (Teruel). The find-s...
This paper presents a group of Iberian Iron Age weapons from a cemetery at Torremorana (Baena, Córdo...
The sword found in a house at the Bronze Age settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, province of...
Se estudia un pequeño lote de elementos de equipamiento militar de la Segunda Edad del Hierro. Todo...
Estudio sobre el monumento ibérico del Arenero de Monforte del Cid que está constituido por cuatro ...
Estudio tipológico y metalográfico de una falcata ibérica con decoración damasquinada, cuyo motivo ...
In this paper we present the weapons recovered in the Iberian necropolis of La Serreta at Alcoi (Ali...
In this article we study the finds of arrowheads, the iconographic representation of bows, and the l...
This paper aims to study the swords discovered in the necropolis of El Castillo (Castejón, Navarra)....
This paper describes a new Late Bronze Age weapon hoard from the river Guadalquivir (prov. Seville, ...
En el presente artículo se trata el hallazgo de un depósito de armas: espadas, puñal, casco y umbos...
The discovery, on the NE of the Iberian Peninsula, of several Late Iron Age Iberian stelae, sharing ...
The depicted Iberian pottery found in the archaeological sites of Aragón (Spain) represents a presti...
Español: Las dos varillas de plata en la Tumba del Guerrero de Málaga constituyen un problema todaví...
We study in some detail the Roman weapons represented on a new fragmentary sculpture from the Iberia...