How to Negotiate Difficult Colonoscopy to Optimize Cecal Intubation Rate

  • Cahyono, Suharjo B
  • Bayupurnama, Putut
Publication date
September 2013
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Endoscopy


Colonoscopy is the current standard method for evaluating colon. Cecal intubation rate is an important indicator of colonoscopy quality. In up to 10–20% colonoscopies, cecal intubation may be considered difficult.There are several consequences of low cecal intubation rate: it limits the efficacy of colonoscopy, increasing risk of complications and cost, and missing in detecting adenoma colorectal or other abnormal mucosa lesion.Failure to intubate the cecal can be a result of: (1) patients factors (female, older, diverticular disease, history of abdominal surgery, low body mass index, history of constipation, laxative use); (2) endoscopist factors (prior experience, the specific techniques and instrument used; (3) or some combination thereo...

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