Epizoic Organisms Found On Two Captive Snapping Turtles

  • France, Sara
  • Adams, Angelica
  • Bargo, Katie
  • McShan, Michael
Publication date
April 2019
NEIU Digital Commons


Epizoic organisms are often found living on animals and the relationship between the two can be mutualistic. The epizoic organisms living on turtle shells may help provide camouflage for both the alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) and the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentine). Alligator snapping turtles, which rarely leave the water except to lay eggs, are designated as endangered in Illinois. While the common snapping turtle is more abundant, the habitats of both types of snapping turtles are declining due to development and water pollution. Little is known about the biodiversity of the epizoic microorganisms that can be found on the turtle shells. Understanding this microscopic community may give information about t...

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