Replication archive for Bechtel, Michael M./Scheve, Kenneth F. 2013. Mass Support for Climate Cooperation Depends on Institutional Design, in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
Replication data for S. Rowan, 'Pitfalls in comparing Paris pledges', Climatic Change. Includes dat...
This zipped folder contains code and data for replicating results in Meng and Rode, "The Social Cost...
This contains original data (formatted for Stata) from the survey experiment in the paper, commands ...
This archive provides details about the replication for “Interests, Norms and Support for the Provis...
Replication package for: Bayer, Patrick, Christoher Marcoux, and Johannes Urpelainen. 2013. “Levera...
Replication package for: Bayer, Patrick, Christopher Marcoux, and Johannes Urpelainen. 2014. “Choosi...
Bechtel, Michael M./Hainmueller, Jens/Margalit, Yotam. "Policy Design and Domestic Support for Int...
These files contain the information necessary to replicate the results of Albouy et al. (2016). Pl...
This data archive replicates the figures and tables in "Sectors, Pollution, and Trade: How Industria...
Dataset compiled for the analysis in "The domestic politics of international climate commitments: wh...
Provides replication data for Thomas Bernauer and Liam F. McGrath (2016) Simple reframing unlikely t...
This is a replication data used in the analysis for the correspondence article published at Nature C...
This is replication data used in the analysis for the correspondence article published at Nature Cli...
The data associated with the recent paper in the npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (ISSN 2397-3722...
This repository contains all data and code to reproduce the analyses in the article: Karreth, Johann...
Replication data for S. Rowan, 'Pitfalls in comparing Paris pledges', Climatic Change. Includes dat...
This zipped folder contains code and data for replicating results in Meng and Rode, "The Social Cost...
This contains original data (formatted for Stata) from the survey experiment in the paper, commands ...
This archive provides details about the replication for “Interests, Norms and Support for the Provis...
Replication package for: Bayer, Patrick, Christoher Marcoux, and Johannes Urpelainen. 2013. “Levera...
Replication package for: Bayer, Patrick, Christopher Marcoux, and Johannes Urpelainen. 2014. “Choosi...
Bechtel, Michael M./Hainmueller, Jens/Margalit, Yotam. "Policy Design and Domestic Support for Int...
These files contain the information necessary to replicate the results of Albouy et al. (2016). Pl...
This data archive replicates the figures and tables in "Sectors, Pollution, and Trade: How Industria...
Dataset compiled for the analysis in "The domestic politics of international climate commitments: wh...
Provides replication data for Thomas Bernauer and Liam F. McGrath (2016) Simple reframing unlikely t...
This is a replication data used in the analysis for the correspondence article published at Nature C...
This is replication data used in the analysis for the correspondence article published at Nature Cli...
The data associated with the recent paper in the npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (ISSN 2397-3722...
This repository contains all data and code to reproduce the analyses in the article: Karreth, Johann...
Replication data for S. Rowan, 'Pitfalls in comparing Paris pledges', Climatic Change. Includes dat...
This zipped folder contains code and data for replicating results in Meng and Rode, "The Social Cost...
This contains original data (formatted for Stata) from the survey experiment in the paper, commands ...