Petition of John Pohpnehonnuwuh

  • Digital Archive of Native American Petitions, Massachusetts Archives, Boston MA
Publication date
May 1739
Harvard Dataverse


Petition subject: Property Original: Date of creation: 1739-05-30 Petition location: Stockbridge Selected signatures:John PohpnehonnuwuhAaron SonkenewenaukheekDavid Naunaunekenuk Total signatures: 3 Males of color signatures: 3 Female only signatures: No Identifications of signatories: in the name of the rest of the Housatunnick Indians, [males of color] Prayer format was printed vs. manuscript: Manuscript Native American tribe: Stockbridge-Munsee Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard Un...

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