Replication Data for The Effect of Promoting Savings on Risk-Sharing: Experimental Evidence from Vulnerable Women in Keny
This provides replication data and code for "Does Encouragement Matter in Improving Gender Imbalance...
The data and programs replicate tables and figures from "Inputs, Incentives, and Complementarities i...
Replication data for: "Asset Integration and Attitudes toward Risk: Theory and Evidence
Replication files for "The Effects of Education on Financial Outcomes: Evidence from Kenya
This file contains the Stata codes for the replication study, “Risk Sharing and Transaction Costs: A...
The data and code used in "Increasing Trust in Bankers to Enhance Savings: Experimental Evidence fr...
Replication data for: "Do Anti-Poverty Programs Sway Voters? Experimental Evidence from Uganda
Replication Data for "Does poverty undermine cooperation in multiethnic settings? Evidence from a co...
Replication code and data for (Under What Conditions) Do Politicians Reward Their Supporters? Evide...
The data for the research described in ''Do Women Socialize Better? Evidence from a Study on Sociali...
Paper: Credit Access, Selection, and Incentives in a Market for Asset Collateralized Loans: Evidence...
All data and replication files used in "Do Gender Quotas Really Reduce Bias? Evidence from a Policy ...
We use a randomized controlled trial to study the response of poor households in rural Kenya to lar...
Data and do-file for replication of "Replication: Do Women Shy Away from Competition? Experimental ...
These files explain how to reproduce Stage and Thangavelu (2018) replication study of “Facilitating ...
This provides replication data and code for "Does Encouragement Matter in Improving Gender Imbalance...
The data and programs replicate tables and figures from "Inputs, Incentives, and Complementarities i...
Replication data for: "Asset Integration and Attitudes toward Risk: Theory and Evidence
Replication files for "The Effects of Education on Financial Outcomes: Evidence from Kenya
This file contains the Stata codes for the replication study, “Risk Sharing and Transaction Costs: A...
The data and code used in "Increasing Trust in Bankers to Enhance Savings: Experimental Evidence fr...
Replication data for: "Do Anti-Poverty Programs Sway Voters? Experimental Evidence from Uganda
Replication Data for "Does poverty undermine cooperation in multiethnic settings? Evidence from a co...
Replication code and data for (Under What Conditions) Do Politicians Reward Their Supporters? Evide...
The data for the research described in ''Do Women Socialize Better? Evidence from a Study on Sociali...
Paper: Credit Access, Selection, and Incentives in a Market for Asset Collateralized Loans: Evidence...
All data and replication files used in "Do Gender Quotas Really Reduce Bias? Evidence from a Policy ...
We use a randomized controlled trial to study the response of poor households in rural Kenya to lar...
Data and do-file for replication of "Replication: Do Women Shy Away from Competition? Experimental ...
These files explain how to reproduce Stage and Thangavelu (2018) replication study of “Facilitating ...
This provides replication data and code for "Does Encouragement Matter in Improving Gender Imbalance...
The data and programs replicate tables and figures from "Inputs, Incentives, and Complementarities i...
Replication data for: "Asset Integration and Attitudes toward Risk: Theory and Evidence