Ergebnisse einer Befragung unter Mainzer BA-Studierenden (Politikwissenschaft und Sozialkunde) zu Ihrer Studiensituation
Replication Materials for: Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan B. Slapin (2011) “Parliamentary ...
Code and data to replicate the results in the main text and supporting information of "Education and...
Schoen, Harald & Robert Greszki. February 2014. A third term for a popular chancellor. An analysis o...
Schoen, Harald. 2010. Ein Bericht von der Heimatfront: Bürger, Politiker und der Afganistaneinsatz d...
Steinbrecher, Markus & Harald Schoen. 2012. Persönlichkeit und politische Partizipation im Umfeld de...
These are replication files for the document "Einkommensungleichheit und soziale Mobilität", publish...
Schoen, Harald. 2012. Wählen und abstimmen - zwei Seiten einer Medaille? Eine Analyse am Beispiel de...
Replication material for: Schoen, Harald. 2010. Die Bürger ziehen Bilanz. Einstellungen zur Großen K...
We report results from an expert survey on issue positions and issue salience of German parties in D...
Replication data for our analysis of differences in voting behaviour of East/West Germans in 200
The dataset belongs to the ÖWBS (Österreichischer Wertebildungssurvey), which was carried out in the...
Replication data for my chapter 'Wahlverhalten in Ost-West-Perspektive 2013' in Schoen/Wessels/Gabr...
This dataset contains the data of the publication: Verdnik, M., Wagner, P., Rieberer, R., 2022. Mode...
Replication materials for: Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2010. “Position Taking in Eur...
These data are networks that have published together or cited each other in four European Political ...
Replication Materials for: Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan B. Slapin (2011) “Parliamentary ...
Code and data to replicate the results in the main text and supporting information of "Education and...
Schoen, Harald & Robert Greszki. February 2014. A third term for a popular chancellor. An analysis o...
Schoen, Harald. 2010. Ein Bericht von der Heimatfront: Bürger, Politiker und der Afganistaneinsatz d...
Steinbrecher, Markus & Harald Schoen. 2012. Persönlichkeit und politische Partizipation im Umfeld de...
These are replication files for the document "Einkommensungleichheit und soziale Mobilität", publish...
Schoen, Harald. 2012. Wählen und abstimmen - zwei Seiten einer Medaille? Eine Analyse am Beispiel de...
Replication material for: Schoen, Harald. 2010. Die Bürger ziehen Bilanz. Einstellungen zur Großen K...
We report results from an expert survey on issue positions and issue salience of German parties in D...
Replication data for our analysis of differences in voting behaviour of East/West Germans in 200
The dataset belongs to the ÖWBS (Österreichischer Wertebildungssurvey), which was carried out in the...
Replication data for my chapter 'Wahlverhalten in Ost-West-Perspektive 2013' in Schoen/Wessels/Gabr...
This dataset contains the data of the publication: Verdnik, M., Wagner, P., Rieberer, R., 2022. Mode...
Replication materials for: Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan B. Slapin. 2010. “Position Taking in Eur...
These data are networks that have published together or cited each other in four European Political ...
Replication Materials for: Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan B. Slapin (2011) “Parliamentary ...
Code and data to replicate the results in the main text and supporting information of "Education and...
Schoen, Harald & Robert Greszki. February 2014. A third term for a popular chancellor. An analysis o...