Petition of Issac Wobmipam

  • Digital Archive of Native American Petitions, Massachusetts Archives, Boston MA
Publication date
September 1758
Harvard Dataverse


Petition subject: Property Original: Date of creation: 1758-09-05 Petition location: Mashpee Legislator, committee, or address that the petition was sent to: Several names from a committee Selected signatures:Issac WobmipamSyas PeterJacob NatumponSias PaupnunnetMicah TumponJoseph SoncoisonJacob Keter Actions taken on dates: 1759-01-10,1759-01-15 Legislative action: Committed and received and read and granted in the House on January 10, 1759 and sent for concurrence and received and read and concurred in the Council on January 15, 1759 Total signatures: 7 Legislative action summary: Committed, received, read, granted, sent, received, read, concurred Males of color signatures: 7 Female onl...

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