This dataset contains the tweet ids of 39,622,026 tweets related to climate change. They were collected between September 21, 2017 and May 17, 2019 from the Twitter API using Social Feed Manager. There is a gap in data collection between January 7, 2019 and April 17, 2019. Tweets were collected using the POST statuses/filter method of the Twitter Stream API, using the track parameter with the following keywords: #climatechange, #climatechangeisreal, #actonclimate, #globalwarming, #climatechangehoax, #climatedeniers, #climatechangeisfalse, #globalwarminghoax, #climatechangenotreal, climate change, global warming, climate hoax Because of the size of the collection, the list of identifiers is split into files of 10 million lines each, w...