Additional Materials for article: Meyer, Marco & Schoen, Harald. 2014. Response Latencies and Attitude-Behavior Consistency in a Direct Democratic Setting: Evidence from a Subnational Referendum in Germany. Political Psychology 35: 431-440
This is the replication archive for "How robust is evidence of partisan perceptual bias in survey re...
Data sets and scripts are provided to replicate the results produced in the article
Article Abstract: "Perceptual bias occurs when beliefs deviate from reality. Democrats and Republica...
Replication Materials for: Schoen, Harald & Markus Steinbrecher. 2013. Beyond total effects: Explori...
Schoen, Harald & Robert Greszki. February 2014. A third term for a popular chancellor. An analysis o...
Replication Data for: Does Direct Democracy Increase Communicative Responsiveness? A Field Experimen...
Do files and data files to replicate the results from Nicola Fuchs-Schuendeln and Matthias Schuendel...
Mader, Matthias & Harald Schoen. February 2014. Chancellor Merkel, the European debt crisis and the ...
Schoen, Harald. 2007. Personality Traits and Foreign Policy Attitudes in German Public Opinion, in: ...
Replication data for my PhD dissertation "Political Parties and the Democratic Mandate: Comparing Co...
Replication Data for: "Personality, Political Attitudes and Participation in Protests: The Direct an...
Replication data for Research and Politics article:
Steinbrecher, Markus & Harald Schoen. 2012. Persönlichkeit und politische Partizipation im Umfeld de...
This data set consists of the raw data for article "Laustsen, Lasse & Michael Bang Petersen, forthco...
contains do file and data set for reproducing tables appearing in Political Behavior article
This is the replication archive for "How robust is evidence of partisan perceptual bias in survey re...
Data sets and scripts are provided to replicate the results produced in the article
Article Abstract: "Perceptual bias occurs when beliefs deviate from reality. Democrats and Republica...
Replication Materials for: Schoen, Harald & Markus Steinbrecher. 2013. Beyond total effects: Explori...
Schoen, Harald & Robert Greszki. February 2014. A third term for a popular chancellor. An analysis o...
Replication Data for: Does Direct Democracy Increase Communicative Responsiveness? A Field Experimen...
Do files and data files to replicate the results from Nicola Fuchs-Schuendeln and Matthias Schuendel...
Mader, Matthias & Harald Schoen. February 2014. Chancellor Merkel, the European debt crisis and the ...
Schoen, Harald. 2007. Personality Traits and Foreign Policy Attitudes in German Public Opinion, in: ...
Replication data for my PhD dissertation "Political Parties and the Democratic Mandate: Comparing Co...
Replication Data for: "Personality, Political Attitudes and Participation in Protests: The Direct an...
Replication data for Research and Politics article:
Steinbrecher, Markus & Harald Schoen. 2012. Persönlichkeit und politische Partizipation im Umfeld de...
This data set consists of the raw data for article "Laustsen, Lasse & Michael Bang Petersen, forthco...
contains do file and data set for reproducing tables appearing in Political Behavior article
This is the replication archive for "How robust is evidence of partisan perceptual bias in survey re...
Data sets and scripts are provided to replicate the results produced in the article
Article Abstract: "Perceptual bias occurs when beliefs deviate from reality. Democrats and Republica...