Zakażenie Pneumocystis jiroveci po przeszczepieniu nerki

  • Szklarek-Kubicka, Magdalena
  • Kurnatowska, Ilona
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Publication date
July 2018
Salvia Medical Sciences Ltd


Pneumocystis jiroveci (PJ) pneumonia is a severe respiratory fungal infection occurring in patients with impaired immunity. The disease does not produce specific symptoms and is difficult to diagnose, and if unrecognized or treated too late may be the cause of patient’s death. The universal pro­phylaxis recommended in the early period after kid­ney transplantation (KTx) has significantly reduced the incidence of PJ infection, however it does not completely prevent its occurrence. In this review we focus on the new risk profiles, advances in di­agnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of PJ in kidney transplant recipients

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