Processes of apoptosis and cell proliferation in uterine myomas originating from reproductive and perimenopausal women

  • Plewka, Andrzej
  • Plewka, Danuta
  • Madej, Paweł
  • Nowaczyk, Grażyna
  • Sieron-Stoltny, Karolina
  • Jakubiec-Bartnik, Beata
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Publication date
October 2011
VM Media SP. zo.o VM Group SK


We studied uterine myomas originating from females of reproductive age and from females of perimenopausal age. Uterine myomas represent benign tumors of the myometrium, and they develop frequently in women of reproductive age. The frequency of uterine myomas increases with age until women reach the menopause. The study included patients with a myomatous uterus, in the reproductive age or peri-menopausal age, independently evaluating small and large myomas. Myometrial alterations in their direct vicinity were evaluated independently of the myomas. The study included evaluation of immunolocalization of two index proteins which participate in myoma cells growth control: Ki-67 nuclear antigen and caspase 3. In women of reproductive age, both in...

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