This article was originally published as 山上信吾「尖閣諸島についての一考察―国際法・国際政治の実務の現場から―」『法学新報』第120巻9・10号、2014年、...
This article was originally published as 中内康夫「尖閣諸島をめぐる問題と日中関係:日本の領土編入から今日までの経緯と今後の課題」『立法と調査』334 号、参議...
This article was originally published as 横川新「竹島」国際法事例研究会『日本の国際法事例研究(3)領土』慶應通信、1990 年、165-183 頁.othe
This article was originally published as 塚本孝「竹島領有権問題の経緯【第三版】」『調査と情報-Issue Brief-』No. 701、国立国会図書館調査及び...
This article was originally published as 髙井晉「韓国の竹島領有論」防衛法学会編『防衛法研究』第37 号、2013 年、51-67 頁.othe
This article was originally published as田村清三郎「竹島に関する漁業行政」田村清三郎『島根県竹島の新研究〔復刻補訂版〕』島根県総務部総務課、2010年、66-8...
This article was originally published as 山崎佳子「韓国政府による竹島領有根拠の創作」竹島問題研究会『第2期「竹島問題に関する調査研究」最終報告書』島根県、20...
This article was originally published as 奥原敏雄「尖閣列島の領有権」『現代の法律問題―時の法を探る―』法学書院、1979 年、237-260 頁
This article was originally published as 芹田健太郎「尖閣」国際法事例研究会『日本の国際法事例研究(3)領土』、慶應通信、1990 年、149-164 頁
This article was originally published as 濱川今日子「尖閣諸島の領有をめぐる論点―日中両国の見解を中心に」『調査と情報-Issue Brief』No. 565,...
= Japanese version of article published in: Kawai Shinichi (ed.): New Challenges and Perspectives of...
The original of this article was published in Japanese as 塚本孝「竹島領有権をめぐる韓国政府の主張について――政府広報資料『韓国の美しい島、獨...
The dispute was caused by Taika Yamagata(山縣太華)'s critics on Syouin Yoshida(吉田松陰)'s "Komonyaowa"(講孟余話...
With respect to Takeshima ,the ROK has asserted that (i) Dokdo (the Korean name for Takeshima) was t...
This article was originally published as 山上信吾「尖閣諸島についての一考察―国際法・国際政治の実務の現場から―」『法学新報』第120巻9・10号、2014年、...
This article was originally published as 中内康夫「尖閣諸島をめぐる問題と日中関係:日本の領土編入から今日までの経緯と今後の課題」『立法と調査』334 号、参議...
This article was originally published as 横川新「竹島」国際法事例研究会『日本の国際法事例研究(3)領土』慶應通信、1990 年、165-183 頁.othe
This article was originally published as 塚本孝「竹島領有権問題の経緯【第三版】」『調査と情報-Issue Brief-』No. 701、国立国会図書館調査及び...
This article was originally published as 髙井晉「韓国の竹島領有論」防衛法学会編『防衛法研究』第37 号、2013 年、51-67 頁.othe
This article was originally published as田村清三郎「竹島に関する漁業行政」田村清三郎『島根県竹島の新研究〔復刻補訂版〕』島根県総務部総務課、2010年、66-8...
This article was originally published as 山崎佳子「韓国政府による竹島領有根拠の創作」竹島問題研究会『第2期「竹島問題に関する調査研究」最終報告書』島根県、20...
This article was originally published as 奥原敏雄「尖閣列島の領有権」『現代の法律問題―時の法を探る―』法学書院、1979 年、237-260 頁
This article was originally published as 芹田健太郎「尖閣」国際法事例研究会『日本の国際法事例研究(3)領土』、慶應通信、1990 年、149-164 頁
This article was originally published as 濱川今日子「尖閣諸島の領有をめぐる論点―日中両国の見解を中心に」『調査と情報-Issue Brief』No. 565,...
= Japanese version of article published in: Kawai Shinichi (ed.): New Challenges and Perspectives of...
The original of this article was published in Japanese as 塚本孝「竹島領有権をめぐる韓国政府の主張について――政府広報資料『韓国の美しい島、獨...
The dispute was caused by Taika Yamagata(山縣太華)'s critics on Syouin Yoshida(吉田松陰)'s "Komonyaowa"(講孟余話...
With respect to Takeshima ,the ROK has asserted that (i) Dokdo (the Korean name for Takeshima) was t...
This article was originally published as 山上信吾「尖閣諸島についての一考察―国際法・国際政治の実務の現場から―」『法学新報』第120巻9・10号、2014年、...
This article was originally published as 中内康夫「尖閣諸島をめぐる問題と日中関係:日本の領土編入から今日までの経緯と今後の課題」『立法と調査』334 号、参議...