The lexicon of a language is related to the cognition of reality and with the ‘naming’ process, as fixated in words and terms. The conceptual universe of a language can be described as an organised and structured system of categories. Scientific terminologies are classification systems based on scientific models originated from the structuring of knowledge in the conceptual models through which every science is organised. In spite of the many similarities between Lexicography and Terminology, there are some differences that need clarification. In Lexicology, very heterogeneous lexical units are identified, while in Terminology relatively homogeneous lexical units are found. In Lexicography the lexical stock is not restricted to the referent...
The making of the definitions is the most complex step in terminological research which aims to comp...
Background. This article examines lexicography - a separate science that includes theoretical lexico...
This article contextualizes the applied and theoretical profile of Lexicography as an area of Applie...
Applying terminological methods to lexicography helps lexicographers deal with the terms occurring i...
This paper proposes some considerations on the relationship among terminology, lexicography and tech...
Um dos principais pontos de diferenciação entre Lexicografia e Terminologia consiste, justamente, no...
Terminology has an important role in the framework of specialised knowledge, especially as regards i...
This article assumes that the tools used for knowledge organization purposes (e.g., thesauri, classi...
In linguistics and terminology, few are the works that describe, in an integrated manner, terminolog...
Examinam-se aspectos da interdisciplinaridade: entre ciências, tecnologias, culturas; entre a unidad...
This contribution aims to propose a reflection that is inserted in a perspective of the history of l...
Este artigo contextualiza o perfil aplicado e teórico da lexicografia, compreendida como área da Lin...
Lexicology, as the science of the lexicon of a language, is a recent discipline, having resulted, h...
This paper verifies how Information Science understands/represents an interface between Lexicology, ...
This paper intends to analyse the relationship between lexicology and terminology in the use of lang...
The making of the definitions is the most complex step in terminological research which aims to comp...
Background. This article examines lexicography - a separate science that includes theoretical lexico...
This article contextualizes the applied and theoretical profile of Lexicography as an area of Applie...
Applying terminological methods to lexicography helps lexicographers deal with the terms occurring i...
This paper proposes some considerations on the relationship among terminology, lexicography and tech...
Um dos principais pontos de diferenciação entre Lexicografia e Terminologia consiste, justamente, no...
Terminology has an important role in the framework of specialised knowledge, especially as regards i...
This article assumes that the tools used for knowledge organization purposes (e.g., thesauri, classi...
In linguistics and terminology, few are the works that describe, in an integrated manner, terminolog...
Examinam-se aspectos da interdisciplinaridade: entre ciências, tecnologias, culturas; entre a unidad...
This contribution aims to propose a reflection that is inserted in a perspective of the history of l...
Este artigo contextualiza o perfil aplicado e teórico da lexicografia, compreendida como área da Lin...
Lexicology, as the science of the lexicon of a language, is a recent discipline, having resulted, h...
This paper verifies how Information Science understands/represents an interface between Lexicology, ...
This paper intends to analyse the relationship between lexicology and terminology in the use of lang...
The making of the definitions is the most complex step in terminological research which aims to comp...
Background. This article examines lexicography - a separate science that includes theoretical lexico...
This article contextualizes the applied and theoretical profile of Lexicography as an area of Applie...