This study analyzes the influence of medical prescriptions' writing on the occurrence of medication errors in the medical wards of five Brazilian hospitals. This descriptive study used data obtained from a multicenter study conducted in 2005. The population was composed of 1,425 medication errors and the sample included 92 routes through which medication was wrongly administered. The pharmacological classes most frequently involved in errors were cardiovascular agents (31.5%), medication that acts on the nervous system (23.9%), and on the digestive system and metabolism (13.0%). In relation to the prescription items that may have contributed to such errors, we verified that 91.3% of prescriptions contained acronyms and abbreviations; patien...
Objetivo: Analisar os erros de prescrição em um hospital da região sul do Brasil. Método: Estudo tra...
ResumoObjetivoIdentificar a prevalência de erros clinicamente significativos em prescrição de hospit...
Aim: to analyze behaviors that must be adopted by nursing professionals and managers so that the occ...
This study analyzes the influence of medical prescriptions' writing on the occurrence of medication ...
The aims of this study were to analyze the redaction of the prescription in dose errors that occurre...
The aims of this study were to analyze the redaction of the prescription in dose errors that occurre...
This was a retrospective, descriptive and documental study with the aim of identifying adverse drug ...
This study, which was conducted in a hospital in São Paulo State, Brazil in 1999, aimed at analyzing...
OBJETIVO: Analisar a influência da redação da prescrição médica na administração de medicamentos em ...
Este estudo analisou, em quatro hospitais brasileiros, tipos, causas, providências administrativas t...
Erros de administração de antimicrobianos são relevantes, pois podem interferir na segurança do paci...
O estudo objetiva identificar as evidências e as implicações dos erros na administração de medicamen...
This study analyzed the causes, types, administrative measures taken and suggestions concerning medi...
This study identified and analyzed the medication systems in 04 university hospitals located in Reci...
Objetivo: Analisar os indicadores propostos pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) em prescrições m...
Objetivo: Analisar os erros de prescrição em um hospital da região sul do Brasil. Método: Estudo tra...
ResumoObjetivoIdentificar a prevalência de erros clinicamente significativos em prescrição de hospit...
Aim: to analyze behaviors that must be adopted by nursing professionals and managers so that the occ...
This study analyzes the influence of medical prescriptions' writing on the occurrence of medication ...
The aims of this study were to analyze the redaction of the prescription in dose errors that occurre...
The aims of this study were to analyze the redaction of the prescription in dose errors that occurre...
This was a retrospective, descriptive and documental study with the aim of identifying adverse drug ...
This study, which was conducted in a hospital in São Paulo State, Brazil in 1999, aimed at analyzing...
OBJETIVO: Analisar a influência da redação da prescrição médica na administração de medicamentos em ...
Este estudo analisou, em quatro hospitais brasileiros, tipos, causas, providências administrativas t...
Erros de administração de antimicrobianos são relevantes, pois podem interferir na segurança do paci...
O estudo objetiva identificar as evidências e as implicações dos erros na administração de medicamen...
This study analyzed the causes, types, administrative measures taken and suggestions concerning medi...
This study identified and analyzed the medication systems in 04 university hospitals located in Reci...
Objetivo: Analisar os indicadores propostos pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) em prescrições m...
Objetivo: Analisar os erros de prescrição em um hospital da região sul do Brasil. Método: Estudo tra...
ResumoObjetivoIdentificar a prevalência de erros clinicamente significativos em prescrição de hospit...
Aim: to analyze behaviors that must be adopted by nursing professionals and managers so that the occ...