The Cerrado region still receives relatively little ornithological attention, although it is regarded as the only tropical savanna in the world considered to be a biodiversity hotspot. Cerradão is one of the least known and most deforested Cerrado physiognomies and few recent bird surveys have been conducted in these forests. In order to rescue bird records and complement the few existing inventories of this under-studied forest type in the state of São Paulo, we looked for published papers on birds of cerradão. Additionally we surveyed birds at a 314-ha cerradão remnant located in central São Paulo, Brazil, from September 2005-December 2006 using unlimited distance transect counts. Out of 95 investigations involving cerradão bird studies, ...
Estudaram-se a composi\ue7\ue3o e a abund\ue2ncia da avifauna em \ue1rea rural do munic\uedpio de Vi...
We evaluated the floristic and structural composition of a tree community in an ecotone between Cerr...
Some bird species are considered extinction-prone as a consequence of habitat fragmentation. In orde...
The Cerrado region still receives relatively little ornithological attention, although it is regarde...
Grassland ecosystems, characterized by open landscapes dominated by grasses, encompass diverse forma...
Espécies endêmicas merecem atenção especial em estratégias de conservação, sendo que no Cerrado gran...
O cerrado é um dos biomas mais ameaçados no mundo, apresentando algumas das maiores taxas de destrui...
Inventários e estudos faunísticos detalhados sobre vertebrados são uma das fontes mais relevantes de... studied the avifauna composition and its abundance in a ru...
O Cerrado ainda recebe pouca atenção no que diz respeito à ornitologia embora seja a única savana tr...
Os ambientes úmidos ao redor do mundo vêm sofrendo severos efeitos devido às atividades antrópicas q...
Ecological data about three free-ranging groups of C. penicillata (black-pincelled marmoset) were ob...
O Brasil possui 1.825 espécies de aves, sendo 837 no Cerrado e 459 espécies no Distrito Federal (DF...
We evaluated the floristic and structural composition of a tree community in an ecotone between Cerr...
The Cerrado region still receives relatively little ornithological attention, although it is regarde...
Estudaram-se a composi\ue7\ue3o e a abund\ue2ncia da avifauna em \ue1rea rural do munic\uedpio de Vi...
We evaluated the floristic and structural composition of a tree community in an ecotone between Cerr...
Some bird species are considered extinction-prone as a consequence of habitat fragmentation. In orde...
The Cerrado region still receives relatively little ornithological attention, although it is regarde...
Grassland ecosystems, characterized by open landscapes dominated by grasses, encompass diverse forma...
Espécies endêmicas merecem atenção especial em estratégias de conservação, sendo que no Cerrado gran...
O cerrado é um dos biomas mais ameaçados no mundo, apresentando algumas das maiores taxas de destrui...
Inventários e estudos faunísticos detalhados sobre vertebrados são uma das fontes mais relevantes de... studied the avifauna composition and its abundance in a ru...
O Cerrado ainda recebe pouca atenção no que diz respeito à ornitologia embora seja a única savana tr...
Os ambientes úmidos ao redor do mundo vêm sofrendo severos efeitos devido às atividades antrópicas q...
Ecological data about three free-ranging groups of C. penicillata (black-pincelled marmoset) were ob...
O Brasil possui 1.825 espécies de aves, sendo 837 no Cerrado e 459 espécies no Distrito Federal (DF...
We evaluated the floristic and structural composition of a tree community in an ecotone between Cerr...
The Cerrado region still receives relatively little ornithological attention, although it is regarde...
Estudaram-se a composi\ue7\ue3o e a abund\ue2ncia da avifauna em \ue1rea rural do munic\uedpio de Vi...
We evaluated the floristic and structural composition of a tree community in an ecotone between Cerr...
Some bird species are considered extinction-prone as a consequence of habitat fragmentation. In orde...