Cientifizando McLuhan: predicados do acoplamento homem-máquina, a hipótese do tríplice isomorfismo e suas consequências estéticas

  • Basbaum, Sérgio Roclaw
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Publication date
May 2019
Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Comunicações e Artes


In Laws of Media, written with his son Eric, Marshall McLuhan aimed to assign scientific status to his ideas, presenting his Tetrad model and offering several examples of its application. Mcluhanism places great emphasis on media ecology specific perceptual bias; authors such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela, David Chalmers and Andy Clark allow us to bridge it to the research on consciousness and brain carried through the last decades. If media creates an experience related to its epistemic context, it is possible to approach the forms of human-machine coupling – especially in digital culture –, by examining the hypothesis of a triplex isomorphism between <brain><apparatus><experience> that wou...

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