Amylase was extracted from lyophilized tissues of the meristem, leaf, sheath, node, and internode areas of 10-month-old sugarcane. Immature leaves (—1 and 0) were the richest source, while strong activity was also obtained with 8- to 10-node preparations. About 70 percent of the amylase of water extracts was precipitated with ammonium sulfate between 48- and 60-percent saturation. Both potato starch and amylopectin were readily hydrolyzed, although amylose, corn starch, and inulin were also acted upon. Maximum velocity was obtained with 8 mg. of amylopectin per milliliter of digest. Optimum pH was 5.5. Amylase was highly active between pH 4.5 and 6.0, and declined rapidly above pH 6. Amylase was almost inactive at 16° C , but increased seve...