U članku se Hemingwayevi tekstovi, kao i rodna problematika koja prevladava u njegovim tekstovima, iščitavaju na nov način, pomoću Lacanove teorije stadija ogledala. Hemingwayevi muški likovi, svjesno i nesvjesno, svojim suprugama i partnericama dodjeljuju stereotipnu ulogu žene njegovateljice koja nema, i ne treba imati, vlastiti život, nego treba podržavati idealnu sliku muškarca onako kako to tumači Lacan. Brak je u Hemingwayevim tekstovima institucija čiji je cilj podržavanje muške superiornosti, a ženu reducira na ulogu njegovateljice, pomagača ili pripravnika što muškarcu priskrbljuje osjećaj moći i omogućuje mu da se definira kao Muškarac. Uporaba stereotipa u bilo kojoj vrsti diskursa predstavlja iskaz moći i superiornosti nad drugi...
This study aims at analyzing Hemingway's selected novels and short stories in order to discover thei...
Geared to young adults. Collection of previously published excerpts of essays on the novel’s gender ...
V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo ženske like v romanih Ernesta Hemingwaya in upoštevajoč pisateljeve p...
U članku se Hemingwayevi tekstovi, kao i rodna problematika koja prevladava u njegovim tekstovima, i...
Hemingway: A Study in Gender and Sexuality explores a subject that few scholars have studied: how t...
Bakalaura darba nosaukums ir „Sieviešu tēlu nozīme E. Hemingveja daiļradē”. Darba struktūra ir seko...
Bakalaura darbā analizēts dzimumu attiecību attēlojums, androgēnos tēlu nozīme un dzimuma loma maiņa...
Ernest Hemingway remains an interesting writer nearly forty years after his death because his works ...
In the first chapter of my thesis I am going to look at several aspects of Hemingway’s life, specifi...
This project supports the contrary argument that Hemingway provided a voice for the post-Victorian w...
This thesis examines the individuals in Ernest Hemingway’s personal life that inspired the non-heter...
Ernest Hemingway was a male chauvinist pig. This ad hominem attack against him and his writing is an...
As the most famous American writer of the twentieth century, Ernest Hemingway inspired not only a ge...
During his life, Ernest Hemingway was not only surrounded by many ambitious women but he also witnes...
Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på ensomme menn i et utvalg av Ernest Hemingways noveller fra samling...
This study aims at analyzing Hemingway's selected novels and short stories in order to discover thei...
Geared to young adults. Collection of previously published excerpts of essays on the novel’s gender ...
V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo ženske like v romanih Ernesta Hemingwaya in upoštevajoč pisateljeve p...
U članku se Hemingwayevi tekstovi, kao i rodna problematika koja prevladava u njegovim tekstovima, i...
Hemingway: A Study in Gender and Sexuality explores a subject that few scholars have studied: how t...
Bakalaura darba nosaukums ir „Sieviešu tēlu nozīme E. Hemingveja daiļradē”. Darba struktūra ir seko...
Bakalaura darbā analizēts dzimumu attiecību attēlojums, androgēnos tēlu nozīme un dzimuma loma maiņa...
Ernest Hemingway remains an interesting writer nearly forty years after his death because his works ...
In the first chapter of my thesis I am going to look at several aspects of Hemingway’s life, specifi...
This project supports the contrary argument that Hemingway provided a voice for the post-Victorian w...
This thesis examines the individuals in Ernest Hemingway’s personal life that inspired the non-heter...
Ernest Hemingway was a male chauvinist pig. This ad hominem attack against him and his writing is an...
As the most famous American writer of the twentieth century, Ernest Hemingway inspired not only a ge...
During his life, Ernest Hemingway was not only surrounded by many ambitious women but he also witnes...
Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på ensomme menn i et utvalg av Ernest Hemingways noveller fra samling...
This study aims at analyzing Hemingway's selected novels and short stories in order to discover thei...
Geared to young adults. Collection of previously published excerpts of essays on the novel’s gender ...
V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo ženske like v romanih Ernesta Hemingwaya in upoštevajoč pisateljeve p...