The Timiskaming Graben lies along the border of Ontario and Québec within the Western Québec Seismic Zone – a conspicuous belt of heightened intracratonic seismic activity in eastern Canada. The graben forms a prominent 50-km wide fault-bounded morphotectonic depression partly filled by Lake Timiskaming (ca. 100 km long and 200 m maximum depth). This lake is a postglacial successor to the much larger glacial Lake Barlow, which drained about 8000 years ago, leaving an extensive clay plain (Little Clay plain). Some 1000 kilometres of high resolution seismic sub-bottom data collected from Lake Timiskaming reveal that both late-glacial Barlow and postglacial Holocene sediments are extensively deformed by neotectonic horst and graben structures....
Nonglacial deposits in northern Ontario that may date to the last interglacial interval are well kno...
SUMMARY: Geological mapping and stratigraphic anaylsis of the early Neoproterozoic Fifteenmile Group...
Rhythmites overlying either cross-bedded sand or diamicton are found throughout the Ottawa Valley. P...
Geophysical surveys, undertaken in the Toronto-Burlington corridor of western Lake Ontario and in th...
A series of late Wisconsinan sedimentary sequences occupy parts of the Coppermine River valley, and ...
Lower Paleozoic bedrock strata, in south-central Ontario and the adjacent part of New York State are...
Earth history is punctuated by numerous periods during which large volumes of mafic magma were empla...
The Lake Nipigon basin lies north of the Lake Superior basin and was the hydrological link between g...
Landslides in Champlain Sea clays have played an important role in shaping Eastern Ontario’s landsca...
The boundary between rocks assigned to the Intermontane superterrane in the interior of the Canadian...
A marine geophysical survey program has been conducted in lakes of southern Ontario. The survey was ...
Ice-dammed glacial Lake Assiniboine covered approximately 1500 km2 in eastern Saskatchewan at about ...
In the Great Lakes region, the vertical motion of crustal rebound since the last glaciation has dece...
The Oak Ridges Moraine in southern Ontario is a ca. 160 km long east-west trending ridge of sand and...
The Northern Great Plains of western Canada contain numerous saline and hypersaline lakes. Most of t...
Nonglacial deposits in northern Ontario that may date to the last interglacial interval are well kno...
SUMMARY: Geological mapping and stratigraphic anaylsis of the early Neoproterozoic Fifteenmile Group...
Rhythmites overlying either cross-bedded sand or diamicton are found throughout the Ottawa Valley. P...
Geophysical surveys, undertaken in the Toronto-Burlington corridor of western Lake Ontario and in th...
A series of late Wisconsinan sedimentary sequences occupy parts of the Coppermine River valley, and ...
Lower Paleozoic bedrock strata, in south-central Ontario and the adjacent part of New York State are...
Earth history is punctuated by numerous periods during which large volumes of mafic magma were empla...
The Lake Nipigon basin lies north of the Lake Superior basin and was the hydrological link between g...
Landslides in Champlain Sea clays have played an important role in shaping Eastern Ontario’s landsca...
The boundary between rocks assigned to the Intermontane superterrane in the interior of the Canadian...
A marine geophysical survey program has been conducted in lakes of southern Ontario. The survey was ...
Ice-dammed glacial Lake Assiniboine covered approximately 1500 km2 in eastern Saskatchewan at about ...
In the Great Lakes region, the vertical motion of crustal rebound since the last glaciation has dece...
The Oak Ridges Moraine in southern Ontario is a ca. 160 km long east-west trending ridge of sand and...
The Northern Great Plains of western Canada contain numerous saline and hypersaline lakes. Most of t...
Nonglacial deposits in northern Ontario that may date to the last interglacial interval are well kno...
SUMMARY: Geological mapping and stratigraphic anaylsis of the early Neoproterozoic Fifteenmile Group...
Rhythmites overlying either cross-bedded sand or diamicton are found throughout the Ottawa Valley. P...