Sheikh Abdul Qadir bin Abdul Muttalib al-Mandili was a renowned scholar who was instrumental in developing religious knowledge in Malaysia. He was regarded as a controversial religious scholar (ulama) because of his decrees (fatwas) on jurisprudence and nationhood. Nevertheless, his concern in addressing the problems of society is well documented through his works mainly in three important fields of Islamic knowledge namely monotheism, jurisprudence and sufism. Sheikh Abdul Qadir bin Abdul Muttalib al-Mandili was an exceptional scholar who mastered three important knowledge simultaneously in his time. The objective of this study is the first to present a biography and background that influenced him to become a well-known scholar in the Mala...
Abstract: The Manuscripts of Sayyidah Nafisah is a book that contains the knowledge of Sufism and th...
Kajian ini merupakan salah satu daripada usaha penyelidikan terhadap khazanah Melayu khususnya kepad...
K.H. Abdul Qodir merupakan pendiri Pondok Pesantren As‟ad di Jambi, ia senantiasa berusaha untuk mem...
Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Mandili merupakan ulama terkenal di alam Melayu Nusantara. Ketokohan beliau te...
Konsep penyucian hati (tazkiyah al-nafs) yang disebut juga sebagai tazkiyah al-qalb, merupakan intip...
Syeikh Abdul Al-Samad Al-Falimbani adalah ulama Sufi yang berasal dari Palembang yang terkenal dalam...
Morals are the implementation of one's faith when meeting other people, other creatures or even meet...
Abstrak: Studi ini mengkaji biografi dan gerakan Shaykh Ali Hasan Ahmad ad-Dary yang biasa disebut T...
In education across the globe should we imitate how to study and how to study a major cleric i.e. Ma...
This qualitative study aims to analyse the thought of Syeikh Ahmad bin Wan Muhammad Zain al-Fatani (...
Al-Qaradhawi is a contemporary Islamic scholar who is famous in the Islamic world. He is often used ...
Disertasi ini membuktikan kebenaran kesimpulan Al-Qadi ?Abd al- Jabbar tentang amr ma?ruf nahy munka...
Ibn Qayyim is a Muslim scholar with broad scientific horizons. As a salaf figure, Ibn Qayyim is actu...
Wan Ismail Shaikh Abdul Qadir was one of the Ulema, he known to struggle in spreading Islamic Aqedah...
Abstract: Abu al-Ma'ali al-Juwayni, a high-caliber jurist is well known as Imam al-Haramayn. H...
Abstract: The Manuscripts of Sayyidah Nafisah is a book that contains the knowledge of Sufism and th...
Kajian ini merupakan salah satu daripada usaha penyelidikan terhadap khazanah Melayu khususnya kepad...
K.H. Abdul Qodir merupakan pendiri Pondok Pesantren As‟ad di Jambi, ia senantiasa berusaha untuk mem...
Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Mandili merupakan ulama terkenal di alam Melayu Nusantara. Ketokohan beliau te...
Konsep penyucian hati (tazkiyah al-nafs) yang disebut juga sebagai tazkiyah al-qalb, merupakan intip...
Syeikh Abdul Al-Samad Al-Falimbani adalah ulama Sufi yang berasal dari Palembang yang terkenal dalam...
Morals are the implementation of one's faith when meeting other people, other creatures or even meet...
Abstrak: Studi ini mengkaji biografi dan gerakan Shaykh Ali Hasan Ahmad ad-Dary yang biasa disebut T...
In education across the globe should we imitate how to study and how to study a major cleric i.e. Ma...
This qualitative study aims to analyse the thought of Syeikh Ahmad bin Wan Muhammad Zain al-Fatani (...
Al-Qaradhawi is a contemporary Islamic scholar who is famous in the Islamic world. He is often used ...
Disertasi ini membuktikan kebenaran kesimpulan Al-Qadi ?Abd al- Jabbar tentang amr ma?ruf nahy munka...
Ibn Qayyim is a Muslim scholar with broad scientific horizons. As a salaf figure, Ibn Qayyim is actu...
Wan Ismail Shaikh Abdul Qadir was one of the Ulema, he known to struggle in spreading Islamic Aqedah...
Abstract: Abu al-Ma'ali al-Juwayni, a high-caliber jurist is well known as Imam al-Haramayn. H...
Abstract: The Manuscripts of Sayyidah Nafisah is a book that contains the knowledge of Sufism and th...
Kajian ini merupakan salah satu daripada usaha penyelidikan terhadap khazanah Melayu khususnya kepad...
K.H. Abdul Qodir merupakan pendiri Pondok Pesantren As‟ad di Jambi, ia senantiasa berusaha untuk mem...