Consumers face hard choices when they need cash quickly. Hard choices can lead to emotional or economically unsound decisions. Traditional classroom discussions of raising funds to pay for expenses usually focus on generating income, borrowing, or the sale of real and financial assets, if hardship is discussed at all. However, many families have additional “non-traditional” sources of cash. This article examines the use of life insurance surrenders and policy loans as a source of funds for both routine funding needs as well as a source of emergency financing. The article concludes with a review of the economic considerations of life insurance for Insurance and Financial Planning educators and students
When this special issue of the Journal of Consumer Affairs was first conceptualized, the subprime mo...
My dissertation investigates what information embedded in financial prices reveals about questions r...
Previous research has extensively studied the relationship between basic financial knowledge and dec...
Liquid money controlled by a trustworthy central bank can serve as an insurance against external sur...
The non-forfeiture options of a cash value life insurance policy allow the policyholder to gain acce...
This paper develops a methodology that can be used by insurers to construct predictive models for th...
Cash money can be a rational devise of saving as an insurance against external uncertainty. Liquid m...
Households buy life insurance as part of their liquidity management. The option to surrender such a ...
Through the medium of life insurance, millions of individuals have accumulated savings while providi...
This article explores some of the issues raised by the new evidence of underinsurance. Part I explor...
In this paper, we examine three types of money management tools that could be used in estate and fin...
The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appe...
National audienceThis paper shows that some policy features are crucial to explain the decision of t...
This paper examines the mechanisms behind the preemptive surrender of life insurance policies which ...
Hoarding a too large cash reserve is often unfavourable due to lost investment opportunities. Simila...
When this special issue of the Journal of Consumer Affairs was first conceptualized, the subprime mo...
My dissertation investigates what information embedded in financial prices reveals about questions r...
Previous research has extensively studied the relationship between basic financial knowledge and dec...
Liquid money controlled by a trustworthy central bank can serve as an insurance against external sur...
The non-forfeiture options of a cash value life insurance policy allow the policyholder to gain acce...
This paper develops a methodology that can be used by insurers to construct predictive models for th...
Cash money can be a rational devise of saving as an insurance against external uncertainty. Liquid m...
Households buy life insurance as part of their liquidity management. The option to surrender such a ...
Through the medium of life insurance, millions of individuals have accumulated savings while providi...
This article explores some of the issues raised by the new evidence of underinsurance. Part I explor...
In this paper, we examine three types of money management tools that could be used in estate and fin...
The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appe...
National audienceThis paper shows that some policy features are crucial to explain the decision of t...
This paper examines the mechanisms behind the preemptive surrender of life insurance policies which ...
Hoarding a too large cash reserve is often unfavourable due to lost investment opportunities. Simila...
When this special issue of the Journal of Consumer Affairs was first conceptualized, the subprime mo...
My dissertation investigates what information embedded in financial prices reveals about questions r...
Previous research has extensively studied the relationship between basic financial knowledge and dec...