Diese Arbeit ist eine kleine Ehrung für Doc. Ing. Dr. Jaroslav Pelikán, DrSc, einen bekannten Wissenschaftler auf den Gebieten der Entomologie, Theriologie und Ökologie. Er beschrieb rund 80 neue Arten und sieben neue Gattungen von Fransenflüglern (Thysanoptera). Seine Arbeiten auf nationaler Ebene schliessen neben detaillierteren Beiträgen zur Fauna der Tschechoslowakei einige Checklisten ein. Am 22. April 2006 feierte Jaroslav Pelikán seinen 80. Geburtstag.The paper is a small tribute to Doc. Ing. Dr. Jaroslav Pelikán, DrSc, who has been a reputable scientist in the fields of entomology, theriology and ecology. He described about 80 new species of thrips as well as seven new genera of Thysanoptera. His national contributions included seve...
Die Bibliographie der Bestimmungstabellen europäischer Insekten Teil I enthält in jeweils alphabetis...
Some new species of planthoppers and leafhoppers for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. – Florodelphax...
The paper refers to the research on bark−dwelling thrips (Thysanoptera) on oaks (Quercus sp.) in the...
The excellence of Károly Sajó as a researcher into Hungary’s natural history has been undeservedly n...
In wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht treten die Thysanopteren nicht so in den Vordergrund wie andere Insekte...
Nomenklatorische Handlungenalectorolophi Oettingen, von, 1953 (Thrips), spec. n.Nomenclatural Actsal...
Die Dipteren-Kollektion Walter Peller (Oftering, Oberösterreich) wurde in das Naturhistorische Museu...
On the fauna of hemipteran bugs (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha et Heteroptera) and big-headed flies (Di...
In the area of the Moravian Gate at Štramberk (Moravia, Czech Republic) detailed field investigation...
Durch die nachträgliche Bearbeitung von 24 Exemplaren aus der Albanien-Ausbeute des Deutschen Entomo...
At the XII Meeting of the International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies, delegates and coccidologi...
The „Arbeitskreis Zikaden Mitteleuropas“ was founded in 1994 as an informal research group, then bec...
This is the first paper from the series Catalogus collectionum entomologicarum Divisionis zoologicae...
researchers of modern insect physiology and bioacoustics not only in Europe, but also worldwide. The...
In the past years thrips have not been more intensively studied in Slovakia than other systematic en...
Die Bibliographie der Bestimmungstabellen europäischer Insekten Teil I enthält in jeweils alphabetis...
Some new species of planthoppers and leafhoppers for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. – Florodelphax...
The paper refers to the research on bark−dwelling thrips (Thysanoptera) on oaks (Quercus sp.) in the...
The excellence of Károly Sajó as a researcher into Hungary’s natural history has been undeservedly n...
In wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht treten die Thysanopteren nicht so in den Vordergrund wie andere Insekte...
Nomenklatorische Handlungenalectorolophi Oettingen, von, 1953 (Thrips), spec. n.Nomenclatural Actsal...
Die Dipteren-Kollektion Walter Peller (Oftering, Oberösterreich) wurde in das Naturhistorische Museu...
On the fauna of hemipteran bugs (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha et Heteroptera) and big-headed flies (Di...
In the area of the Moravian Gate at Štramberk (Moravia, Czech Republic) detailed field investigation...
Durch die nachträgliche Bearbeitung von 24 Exemplaren aus der Albanien-Ausbeute des Deutschen Entomo...
At the XII Meeting of the International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies, delegates and coccidologi...
The „Arbeitskreis Zikaden Mitteleuropas“ was founded in 1994 as an informal research group, then bec...
This is the first paper from the series Catalogus collectionum entomologicarum Divisionis zoologicae...
researchers of modern insect physiology and bioacoustics not only in Europe, but also worldwide. The...
In the past years thrips have not been more intensively studied in Slovakia than other systematic en...
Die Bibliographie der Bestimmungstabellen europäischer Insekten Teil I enthält in jeweils alphabetis...
Some new species of planthoppers and leafhoppers for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. – Florodelphax...
The paper refers to the research on bark−dwelling thrips (Thysanoptera) on oaks (Quercus sp.) in the...