The fall of the communist orders introduced a problem of the development of these societies and initiated a new wave of modernization theories. At the same time, the ideological proclamation of the victory of neo-liberalism resulted in the inauguration of the neo-liberal development model as the mode of modernization that will include the post-communist countries in the process of globalization. In this context, the World Bank study of the ten-year development of the transitional countries has been analyzed. With the example of Slovenia, as the economically most successful transitional country, it is shown that the study encounters the problem of constructing a general model of the development, which could be applied to all transitional cou...
Through the case study of contemporary Polish and Slovenia emigration, this article exposes the micr...
Knjiga Srbija danas – savremeni aspekti neoliberalizma, ekonomije,demografije, zdravstva, bezbednost...
Šezdesete godine XX. stoljeća znače kraj europskog zlatnog doba poslijeratnog razvoja, a socijalisti...
IN CROATIAN: Raspad socijalističkih poredaka postavio je problem razvoja tih društava i potaknuo nov...
The difference in transitional development and success between Slovenia and other post-Yugoslav coun...
Istorijsko razdoblje u Jugoslaviji, u drugoj polovini šezdesetih godina 20. veka, nakon otpoĉinjanja...
The transformation of the socialist system and economy in the East-European countries and in the for...
Tekst koji sledi rezultat je višegodišnjeg istraživanja modernizacijskih procesa u Leskovcu i okolin...
Unatoč brojnim kritičarima socijalizma, sve do pada berlinskog zida nisu postojale preciznije progno...
After the collapse of the former Republic of Yugoslavia, the newlyformed independent countries were,...
This thesis studies the emergence and the development of peripheral capitalism Slovenia. To make an ...
Liberalizam i neoliberalizam ekonomske su doktrine koje su se u novije doba nametnule kao dominantne...
Recently Claus Offe has raised the question concerning the fate of the European model of social capi...
The transition to capitalism in Serbia proved to be a particularly stretched-out process extending ...
Modern society and the world economy are highly contradicted to existing processes and relationships...
Through the case study of contemporary Polish and Slovenia emigration, this article exposes the micr...
Knjiga Srbija danas – savremeni aspekti neoliberalizma, ekonomije,demografije, zdravstva, bezbednost...
Šezdesete godine XX. stoljeća znače kraj europskog zlatnog doba poslijeratnog razvoja, a socijalisti...
IN CROATIAN: Raspad socijalističkih poredaka postavio je problem razvoja tih društava i potaknuo nov...
The difference in transitional development and success between Slovenia and other post-Yugoslav coun...
Istorijsko razdoblje u Jugoslaviji, u drugoj polovini šezdesetih godina 20. veka, nakon otpoĉinjanja...
The transformation of the socialist system and economy in the East-European countries and in the for...
Tekst koji sledi rezultat je višegodišnjeg istraživanja modernizacijskih procesa u Leskovcu i okolin...
Unatoč brojnim kritičarima socijalizma, sve do pada berlinskog zida nisu postojale preciznije progno...
After the collapse of the former Republic of Yugoslavia, the newlyformed independent countries were,...
This thesis studies the emergence and the development of peripheral capitalism Slovenia. To make an ...
Liberalizam i neoliberalizam ekonomske su doktrine koje su se u novije doba nametnule kao dominantne...
Recently Claus Offe has raised the question concerning the fate of the European model of social capi...
The transition to capitalism in Serbia proved to be a particularly stretched-out process extending ...
Modern society and the world economy are highly contradicted to existing processes and relationships...
Through the case study of contemporary Polish and Slovenia emigration, this article exposes the micr...
Knjiga Srbija danas – savremeni aspekti neoliberalizma, ekonomije,demografije, zdravstva, bezbednost...
Šezdesete godine XX. stoljeća znače kraj europskog zlatnog doba poslijeratnog razvoja, a socijalisti...