Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model role playing terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas v SD Negeri 05 Indralaya pada tema peristiwa dalam kehidupan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Pre-Experimental Design dengan jenis one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SD Negeri 05 Indralaya yang berjumlah 116 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VD yang berjumlah 23 orang siswa terdiri dari orang 10 laki-laki dan 13 orang perempuan. Setelah hipotesis penelitian diuji dengan uji t diperoleh thitung=13,90 Sedangkan nilai ttabel=2,074. Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian hipotesis, jika thitung > ttabel maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, jika thitung ttabel, maka Ho ...
Tri Handayani, 2020. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Role Playing berbantuan Wayang Tokoh...
Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu untukllmengetahui pengaruhomodel pembelajaranProle playingppterhada...
Problem in this research is still low activity and result of study of class IV in SD Negeri 2 Palapa...
AbstractThis study purposed to analyze how much influence of the role playing model has on the learn...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketuntasan hasil belajar Materi Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Has...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Role Playing Terh...
This research aims to improve Social Sciences (IPS) learning outcomes through a role playing learnin...
This research aims to improve Social Sciences (IPS) learning outcomes through a role playing learnin...
The purpose of research is to increase the activity and student learning outcomes through the implem...
This research aims to improve Social Sciences (IPS) learning outcomes through a role playing learnin...
This research aims to improve Social Sciences (IPS) learning outcomes through a role playing learnin...
AbstrackThe aims of this study were to determine whether there was a significant difference of stude...
AbstrackThe aims of this study were to determine whether there was a significant difference of stude...
This research is motivated by the results of student learning science VI low grade of primary school...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode role playing terhadap hasil belajar ...
Tri Handayani, 2020. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Role Playing berbantuan Wayang Tokoh...
Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu untukllmengetahui pengaruhomodel pembelajaranProle playingppterhada...
Problem in this research is still low activity and result of study of class IV in SD Negeri 2 Palapa...
AbstractThis study purposed to analyze how much influence of the role playing model has on the learn...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketuntasan hasil belajar Materi Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Has...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Role Playing Terh...
This research aims to improve Social Sciences (IPS) learning outcomes through a role playing learnin...
This research aims to improve Social Sciences (IPS) learning outcomes through a role playing learnin...
The purpose of research is to increase the activity and student learning outcomes through the implem...
This research aims to improve Social Sciences (IPS) learning outcomes through a role playing learnin...
This research aims to improve Social Sciences (IPS) learning outcomes through a role playing learnin...
AbstrackThe aims of this study were to determine whether there was a significant difference of stude...
AbstrackThe aims of this study were to determine whether there was a significant difference of stude...
This research is motivated by the results of student learning science VI low grade of primary school...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode role playing terhadap hasil belajar ...
Tri Handayani, 2020. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Role Playing berbantuan Wayang Tokoh...
Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu untukllmengetahui pengaruhomodel pembelajaranProle playingppterhada...
Problem in this research is still low activity and result of study of class IV in SD Negeri 2 Palapa...