Endeavours to secure status of exact science for economics led to the exclusion of social and historical component from economic analysis. It is a long term process which started within classical political economy, gradually diverging the postulate upon which economic science is based from economic reality. Above mentioned changes are result of the long-term process during which holistic, social and historical aspects had been gradually removing from economic analysis. In this paper we will analyze the role of marginalism in the extrusion of social and historical from economic analysis
The issue of regime change is extremely important in today's politics, as illustrated by recent even...
An attempt to develop the instruments for measuring value orientations towards social change is desc...
The paper presents the author’s views on the initial premises for a theoretical economic investigati...
Kako bi se ekonomiji osigurao znanstveni status širokih razmjera, već dugo se pokušavaju udaljiti dr...
Homo oeconomicus predstavlja glavnu struju današnje ekonomije po kojoj ljudi pod svaku cijenu teže z...
Potreben pogoj za obstoj vsake razvite ali nerazvite družbe je, da morata biti v njej in z njo v har...
Ovaj rad daje pregled razvoja komparativne političke ekonomije od početnih teorijski neartikuliranih...
Autor u svom radu pozivajući se na same korijene ekonomske znanosti, razmatrajući odnos etike i ekon...
The author deals with certain questions of the relation between socio-economic development and polit...
Current demographic trends indicate that the process of aging is more and more advanced in Western s...
Ovaj rad bavi se utjecajem marginalizma na ekonomsku teoriju. Uz ostale teoretičare ovog doba, fokus...
Human history has come a long way. Our modern world is knitted into a web of different social instit...
Over the years, the Austrian School of Economics has created the image of a thinker associated ...
The psychological view of the human needs can serve only as their partial explanation. The socio-eco...
This article is devoted to a critical reconstruction of Karl Polanyi’s institutional theory and its ...
The issue of regime change is extremely important in today's politics, as illustrated by recent even...
An attempt to develop the instruments for measuring value orientations towards social change is desc...
The paper presents the author’s views on the initial premises for a theoretical economic investigati...
Kako bi se ekonomiji osigurao znanstveni status širokih razmjera, već dugo se pokušavaju udaljiti dr...
Homo oeconomicus predstavlja glavnu struju današnje ekonomije po kojoj ljudi pod svaku cijenu teže z...
Potreben pogoj za obstoj vsake razvite ali nerazvite družbe je, da morata biti v njej in z njo v har...
Ovaj rad daje pregled razvoja komparativne političke ekonomije od početnih teorijski neartikuliranih...
Autor u svom radu pozivajući se na same korijene ekonomske znanosti, razmatrajući odnos etike i ekon...
The author deals with certain questions of the relation between socio-economic development and polit...
Current demographic trends indicate that the process of aging is more and more advanced in Western s...
Ovaj rad bavi se utjecajem marginalizma na ekonomsku teoriju. Uz ostale teoretičare ovog doba, fokus...
Human history has come a long way. Our modern world is knitted into a web of different social instit...
Over the years, the Austrian School of Economics has created the image of a thinker associated ...
The psychological view of the human needs can serve only as their partial explanation. The socio-eco...
This article is devoted to a critical reconstruction of Karl Polanyi’s institutional theory and its ...
The issue of regime change is extremely important in today's politics, as illustrated by recent even...
An attempt to develop the instruments for measuring value orientations towards social change is desc...
The paper presents the author’s views on the initial premises for a theoretical economic investigati...