Water conservation is increasingly important when selecting turfgrasses. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica), a C4 grass, is more drought resistant than C3 grasses. However, there is some resistance to the use of zoysiagrass in lawns and golf courses due to its extended dormant period when turf is brown. The objective of this study was to evaluate mowing height, tall fescue seeding rate and time for establishment of a mixed stand with seeded zoysiagrass. Seeding zoysiagrass and tall fescue together in June generally resulted in a less uniform mixture than seeding zoysiagrass in June and then seeding tall fescue in September. Tall fescue seeded in September at 8 lb pure live seed/1,000 ft2 resulted in the most uniform mixture of the two species
It might be a simple question, such as Which tall fescue cultivars are best suited for use on lawns...
Determining when, how much, and with what equipment irrigation should be applied to turfgrasses is d...
During a lawn renovation, weeds are often a major problem because they grow more aggressively than s...
Water conservation is increasingly important when selecting turfgrasses. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonic...
Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Horticulture and Natural ResourcesJack FryMegan KennellyZoysiagras...
Earlier research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established ...
Research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established successf...
Kansas State University has been cooperating with Texas A&M AgriLife Research – Dallas to identify z...
Turf quality characteristics and large patch incidence of ten selected experimental zoysiagrass geno...
Tall fescue is the cool-season turfgrass best adapted for the transition zone because it tolerates d...
The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) Zoysia Test was planted in 2019 at the Kansas State...
Annual ryegrass overseeding into lawn-height zoysiagrass provided acceptable turf color for only fou...
Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Horticulture and Natural ResourcesJack D. FryMegan KennellyZoysiag...
It might be a simple question, such as “Which tall fescue cultivars are best suited for use on lawn...
Bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) is the primary of turfgrass species used for residential lawns in Oklaho...
It might be a simple question, such as Which tall fescue cultivars are best suited for use on lawns...
Determining when, how much, and with what equipment irrigation should be applied to turfgrasses is d...
During a lawn renovation, weeds are often a major problem because they grow more aggressively than s...
Water conservation is increasingly important when selecting turfgrasses. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonic...
Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Horticulture and Natural ResourcesJack FryMegan KennellyZoysiagras...
Earlier research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established ...
Research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established successf...
Kansas State University has been cooperating with Texas A&M AgriLife Research – Dallas to identify z...
Turf quality characteristics and large patch incidence of ten selected experimental zoysiagrass geno...
Tall fescue is the cool-season turfgrass best adapted for the transition zone because it tolerates d...
The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) Zoysia Test was planted in 2019 at the Kansas State...
Annual ryegrass overseeding into lawn-height zoysiagrass provided acceptable turf color for only fou...
Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Horticulture and Natural ResourcesJack D. FryMegan KennellyZoysiag...
It might be a simple question, such as “Which tall fescue cultivars are best suited for use on lawn...
Bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) is the primary of turfgrass species used for residential lawns in Oklaho...
It might be a simple question, such as Which tall fescue cultivars are best suited for use on lawns...
Determining when, how much, and with what equipment irrigation should be applied to turfgrasses is d...
During a lawn renovation, weeds are often a major problem because they grow more aggressively than s...