Of all the instances and schemes for infringing and counterfeiting trademark rights, perhaps none has been as successful and insidious as “replicas.” The term “replica,” when applied, for instance, to a watch or handbag, is synonymous with “counterfeit.” Both terms are used to describe a product that is an exact and unauthorized copy of an authentic product. While some street merchants may call their counterfeit products “replicas,” the designation exploded in popularity on the thousands of websites that boast look-alike counterfeit products. The popularity of “replica” goods is largely dependent on the absence of liability for manufacturers of these transient and low-cost goods, coupled with the public’s quest for a luxury image without th...
Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knock...
Online trademark infringement and counterfeiting is a growing problem for luxury brands. In recent y...
Purpose – to examine the demand for the infringements of Well-Known Trademarks rigthts criminalizat...
Of all the instances and schemes for infringing and counterfeiting trademark rights, perhaps none ha...
Consumers who want to express themselves by wearing contemporary clothing styles should not have to ...
(Excerpt) Since current anti-counterfeiting tools are not easily applied to the Internet, thereby di...
Counterfeiting has become a worldwide industry which generates over a billion dollars worth of busin...
With a simple click on your favorite online marketplace, any consumer can unknowingly buy counterfei...
For centuries, consumers have been willing to pay exorbitant prices for unique or premiumquality goo...
The authors study the positive and normative effects of counterfeiting, i.e., trademark infringement...
Counterfeits of designer merchandise continue to be made and sold throughout the world causing drast...
Counterfeiting has currently been labelled as the crime of the twenty-first century. It has evolved ...
Counterfeiting has currently been labelled as the crime of the twenty-first century.It has evolved i...
Intellectual property legislation exists to protect firm offerings or innovations from being mimicke...
Business owners have a lot to consider when starting a business. Competing with themselves should no...
Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knock...
Online trademark infringement and counterfeiting is a growing problem for luxury brands. In recent y...
Purpose – to examine the demand for the infringements of Well-Known Trademarks rigthts criminalizat...
Of all the instances and schemes for infringing and counterfeiting trademark rights, perhaps none ha...
Consumers who want to express themselves by wearing contemporary clothing styles should not have to ...
(Excerpt) Since current anti-counterfeiting tools are not easily applied to the Internet, thereby di...
Counterfeiting has become a worldwide industry which generates over a billion dollars worth of busin...
With a simple click on your favorite online marketplace, any consumer can unknowingly buy counterfei...
For centuries, consumers have been willing to pay exorbitant prices for unique or premiumquality goo...
The authors study the positive and normative effects of counterfeiting, i.e., trademark infringement...
Counterfeits of designer merchandise continue to be made and sold throughout the world causing drast...
Counterfeiting has currently been labelled as the crime of the twenty-first century. It has evolved ...
Counterfeiting has currently been labelled as the crime of the twenty-first century.It has evolved i...
Intellectual property legislation exists to protect firm offerings or innovations from being mimicke...
Business owners have a lot to consider when starting a business. Competing with themselves should no...
Counterfeiters continue to find creative and inventive ways to knock off goods and place those knock...
Online trademark infringement and counterfeiting is a growing problem for luxury brands. In recent y...
Purpose – to examine the demand for the infringements of Well-Known Trademarks rigthts criminalizat...