One of the highest grossing animated films in history, The Walt Disney Company’s film Frozen tells the story of Queen Elsa, a young girl with secret magical abilities which she cannot reveal for fear of being seen as a monster. The story of Elsa’s struggle seems to have resonated particularly well with some audiences as the children’s film has amassed a large queer following over the years. Indeed, many fans have adopted the film’s now famous song “Let It Go” as a “coming-out” anthem. The erotophobia surrounding discourses of childhood has made the queer study of works of literature and film aimed at children more difficult and therefore rare. In this analysis, I seek to rectify this fact by looking at Frozen, and more specifically its main...
It is hard to ignore the popularity of the Disney Princess franchise these days. Beginning with Snow...
In this article, we examine the immensely popular animated Disney film Frozen 2 (2019) through its p...
Abstract In this article, we examine the immensely popular animated Disney film Frozen 2 (2019) thro...
One of the highest grossing animated films in history, The Walt Disney Company’s film Frozen tells t...
This article builds on an already established understanding of Disney’s Frozen as a queer text. Foll...
This article builds on an already established understanding of Disney’s Frozen as a queer text. Fol...
Utterances of the term “Disney” are likely to bring to mind images of princesses and princes, evil s...
In this thesis, I argue that the treatment and seemingly progressive representation of gender and qu...
With the phenomenal commercial success of the 2013 Disney motionpicture Frozen, "Let It Go," the son...
In Disney’s box office sensation Frozen (2013), Elsa conjures powers rivaling those of Zeus, w...
Disney’s animated feature Frozen (2013) received acclaim for presenting a powerful heroine, Elsa, wh...
This thesis is a comparative content analysis of the modern-day female protagonists represented in D...
This article combines critical, cultural, and musical analysis to situate Frozen: The Broadway Music...
This essay examines gender representation in the 11 films that constitute the official Disney Prince...
The Disney princess line includes nine films, in our study we have extended this line to include the...
It is hard to ignore the popularity of the Disney Princess franchise these days. Beginning with Snow...
In this article, we examine the immensely popular animated Disney film Frozen 2 (2019) through its p...
Abstract In this article, we examine the immensely popular animated Disney film Frozen 2 (2019) thro...
One of the highest grossing animated films in history, The Walt Disney Company’s film Frozen tells t...
This article builds on an already established understanding of Disney’s Frozen as a queer text. Foll...
This article builds on an already established understanding of Disney’s Frozen as a queer text. Fol...
Utterances of the term “Disney” are likely to bring to mind images of princesses and princes, evil s...
In this thesis, I argue that the treatment and seemingly progressive representation of gender and qu...
With the phenomenal commercial success of the 2013 Disney motionpicture Frozen, "Let It Go," the son...
In Disney’s box office sensation Frozen (2013), Elsa conjures powers rivaling those of Zeus, w...
Disney’s animated feature Frozen (2013) received acclaim for presenting a powerful heroine, Elsa, wh...
This thesis is a comparative content analysis of the modern-day female protagonists represented in D...
This article combines critical, cultural, and musical analysis to situate Frozen: The Broadway Music...
This essay examines gender representation in the 11 films that constitute the official Disney Prince...
The Disney princess line includes nine films, in our study we have extended this line to include the...
It is hard to ignore the popularity of the Disney Princess franchise these days. Beginning with Snow...
In this article, we examine the immensely popular animated Disney film Frozen 2 (2019) through its p...
Abstract In this article, we examine the immensely popular animated Disney film Frozen 2 (2019) thro...