An observational study was conducted during an eight-week period in the summer of 2009 at a forested site in British Columbia (“DF49”) to determine the incidence and magnitude of advective carbon dioxide (CO₂) fluxes. The site is situated in a tall, closed-canopy (zh = 35 m, 1100 stems ha-¹, LAI of 7 m² m-²) Douglas-fir forest on a 5-10o slope. Katabatic flow occurs within the subcanopy during a significant portion of the day, especially during the evening and night. Wind vector and CO₂ concentration measurements were made at heights of 1, 2.6, 8, 20 and 42 m on the main flux tower, while CO₂ concentration measurements were made 73.5 m upslope from the tower at heights of 1, 2.6, 8 and 20 m, creating a two-dimensional transect. Eight thermo...
Abstract. A system measuring the horizontal and vertical advection was devised and installed in a sl...
The primary objective of this study is to estimate CO{sub 2} fluxes (F{sub CO{sub 2}}) under ambient...
Extensive field measurements have been performed at three CarboEurope-Integrated Project forest site...
CO2 exchange was measured on the forest floor of a coastal temperate Douglas-fir forest located near...
Soils can store large quantities of carbon in the form of decaying organic matter originally derive...
In conjunction with eddy covariance measurements of CO2 fluxes at the 39.5-m height over a 21.5-m-ta...
Eddy covariance measurements often underestimate the net exchange of CO2 between forest canopies and...
CO2 and hydrocarbon fluxes from a sitka spruce forest were measured using a conditional sampling met...
Abstract: Carbon dioxide, water vapour, and energy fluxes vary spatially and temporally within fores...
Anemometer and CO2 concentration data from temporary campaigns performed at six CARBOEUROFLUX forest...
CO2 and hydrocarbon fluxes from a sitka spruce forest were measured using a conditional sampling met...
Underestimation of nocturnal CO2 respiration under calm conditions remains an unsolved problem at ma...
Carbon dioxide, water vapour, sensible heat and momentum fluxes were continuously measured using th...
Using an eddy covariance-approach to estimate net-ecosystem-exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide (CO₂) r...
Fluxes of CO2 were calculated by the gradient method from concentration differences, measured in the...
Abstract. A system measuring the horizontal and vertical advection was devised and installed in a sl...
The primary objective of this study is to estimate CO{sub 2} fluxes (F{sub CO{sub 2}}) under ambient...
Extensive field measurements have been performed at three CarboEurope-Integrated Project forest site...
CO2 exchange was measured on the forest floor of a coastal temperate Douglas-fir forest located near...
Soils can store large quantities of carbon in the form of decaying organic matter originally derive...
In conjunction with eddy covariance measurements of CO2 fluxes at the 39.5-m height over a 21.5-m-ta...
Eddy covariance measurements often underestimate the net exchange of CO2 between forest canopies and...
CO2 and hydrocarbon fluxes from a sitka spruce forest were measured using a conditional sampling met...
Abstract: Carbon dioxide, water vapour, and energy fluxes vary spatially and temporally within fores...
Anemometer and CO2 concentration data from temporary campaigns performed at six CARBOEUROFLUX forest...
CO2 and hydrocarbon fluxes from a sitka spruce forest were measured using a conditional sampling met...
Underestimation of nocturnal CO2 respiration under calm conditions remains an unsolved problem at ma...
Carbon dioxide, water vapour, sensible heat and momentum fluxes were continuously measured using th...
Using an eddy covariance-approach to estimate net-ecosystem-exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide (CO₂) r...
Fluxes of CO2 were calculated by the gradient method from concentration differences, measured in the...
Abstract. A system measuring the horizontal and vertical advection was devised and installed in a sl...
The primary objective of this study is to estimate CO{sub 2} fluxes (F{sub CO{sub 2}}) under ambient...
Extensive field measurements have been performed at three CarboEurope-Integrated Project forest site...