Host of the Sustut Copper deposit, 230 miles (370 km) northwest of Prince George, is a 600 m thick sequence of volcaniclastic rocks of the upper member of the Upper Triassic Moosevale Formation. This unit strikes northwesterly and dips about 20 degrees to the south. Regional stratigraphic nomenclature has been rather confused but the latest subdivision by Monger and Church (1977) was used for this report. The Moosevale Formation is mostly conglomerate and volcanic breccia with local discontinuous and thin layers of tuffaceous rocks. Fragments in the unit are mainly basic to intermediate volcanic rock. Six relatively common types of fragments are recognizable as being derived from coeval volcanism. Logging of 10,000 ft of diamond drill cor...
The Early Jurassic (>188-185 Ma) Turnagain ultramafic-mafic body, a composite Alaskan-type intrusion...
In recent years our understanding of the genesis of porphyry copper systems has advanced to a suffic...
New data indicate Wernecke Breccia-associated iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits likely formed f...
Host of the Sustut Copper deposit, 230 miles (370 km) northwest of Prince George, is a 600 m thick s...
The Rayfield River copper property, 14 miles east of 70 Mile House in south central British Columbia...
Located in northwestern British Columbia within the Stikine terrane, the Red Chris Cu-Au porphyry de...
The Island Copper deposit at Port Hardy, approximately 200 miles northwest of Vancouver, B.C., consi...
The Strangward Copper Property lies in the front range of the Rocky Mountains, northeastern British ...
Geology, opaque mineralogy, and alteration assemblages of the Sam Goosly copper-silver-antimony depo...
The Redstone Copper Belt is a 300 km arcuate zone of late Proterozoic stratabound copper occurrences...
This study investigates the geological setting of the Harper Creek copper deposit. The relation of t...
The lower 650 to 2000 feet of the Gateway Formation of the Mid Proterozoic Purcell Supergroup in SW ...
The Kluane Ranges are underlain by a sequence of stratified rocks ranging in age from Permian to Tri...
Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2007Similar to the nearby Galore Creek deposit, the Co...
Late Triassic to Early Jurassic porphyry Cu mineralization is common in British Columbia, yet there ...
The Early Jurassic (>188-185 Ma) Turnagain ultramafic-mafic body, a composite Alaskan-type intrusion...
In recent years our understanding of the genesis of porphyry copper systems has advanced to a suffic...
New data indicate Wernecke Breccia-associated iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits likely formed f...
Host of the Sustut Copper deposit, 230 miles (370 km) northwest of Prince George, is a 600 m thick s...
The Rayfield River copper property, 14 miles east of 70 Mile House in south central British Columbia...
Located in northwestern British Columbia within the Stikine terrane, the Red Chris Cu-Au porphyry de...
The Island Copper deposit at Port Hardy, approximately 200 miles northwest of Vancouver, B.C., consi...
The Strangward Copper Property lies in the front range of the Rocky Mountains, northeastern British ...
Geology, opaque mineralogy, and alteration assemblages of the Sam Goosly copper-silver-antimony depo...
The Redstone Copper Belt is a 300 km arcuate zone of late Proterozoic stratabound copper occurrences...
This study investigates the geological setting of the Harper Creek copper deposit. The relation of t...
The lower 650 to 2000 feet of the Gateway Formation of the Mid Proterozoic Purcell Supergroup in SW ...
The Kluane Ranges are underlain by a sequence of stratified rocks ranging in age from Permian to Tri...
Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2007Similar to the nearby Galore Creek deposit, the Co...
Late Triassic to Early Jurassic porphyry Cu mineralization is common in British Columbia, yet there ...
The Early Jurassic (>188-185 Ma) Turnagain ultramafic-mafic body, a composite Alaskan-type intrusion...
In recent years our understanding of the genesis of porphyry copper systems has advanced to a suffic...
New data indicate Wernecke Breccia-associated iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits likely formed f...