Kaempf Bernard. Stuart Murray, Church planting. Laying foundations. Carlisle, Paternoster Press, 1998, ISBN 0-85364-825-5. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 79e année n°4, Octobre-décembre 1999. pp. 535-536
Courcelle Pierre. 128. Wolfson (Harry Austryn). The Philosophy of the Church Fathers, Vol. 1, Faith,...
Andrieux Francis. J. C. Murray, Le problème de Dieu, de la Bible à l'incroyance contemporaine. Paris...
Séjourné Paul. Thomas Fitzgerald, De habitations Spiritus sancti doctrina s. Thomae Aquinatis, 1949....
Kaempf Bernard. Stuart Murray, Church planting. Laying foundations. Carlisle, Paternoster Press, 199...
Kaempf Bernard. Jacob Firet, Dynamics in Pastoring. Grand Rapids (Mich), Eerdmans Publishing Compagn...
Will Robert. William D. Maxwell, A history of Worship of the Church of Scotland. London, Oxford Univ...
Hornus Jean-Michel. Paul Elmer More et Franck Leslie Cross, Anglicanism, the thought and practice of...
Prache Anne. Stephen Murray: Beauvais cathedral, architecture of transcendence. Princeton, Princeton...
Vial Marc. Gilles Emery, Matthew Levering (éd.), The Oxford Handbook of the Trinity, Oxford et al., ...
Vial Marc. Richard J. Plantinga, Thomas R. Thompson, Matthew D. Lundberg, An Introduction to Christi...
Collange Jean-François. Ralph P. Martin, New Testament foundations. A Guide for Christian Students, ...
Stephen Murray. Beauvais Cathedral, architecture of transcendance. Princeton (New Jersey) : Princeto...
John McCallum, Reforming the Scottish Parish: The Reformation in Fife, 1560-1640. St. Andrews Studi...
Kaempf Bernard. Sean O'Conaill, Scattering the Proud. Christianity beyond 2000, Dublin, Columba Pres...
Arnold Matthieu. James Kirk, Patterns of Reform. Continuity and Change in the Reformation Kirk, Edim...
Courcelle Pierre. 128. Wolfson (Harry Austryn). The Philosophy of the Church Fathers, Vol. 1, Faith,...
Andrieux Francis. J. C. Murray, Le problème de Dieu, de la Bible à l'incroyance contemporaine. Paris...
Séjourné Paul. Thomas Fitzgerald, De habitations Spiritus sancti doctrina s. Thomae Aquinatis, 1949....
Kaempf Bernard. Stuart Murray, Church planting. Laying foundations. Carlisle, Paternoster Press, 199...
Kaempf Bernard. Jacob Firet, Dynamics in Pastoring. Grand Rapids (Mich), Eerdmans Publishing Compagn...
Will Robert. William D. Maxwell, A history of Worship of the Church of Scotland. London, Oxford Univ...
Hornus Jean-Michel. Paul Elmer More et Franck Leslie Cross, Anglicanism, the thought and practice of...
Prache Anne. Stephen Murray: Beauvais cathedral, architecture of transcendence. Princeton, Princeton...
Vial Marc. Gilles Emery, Matthew Levering (éd.), The Oxford Handbook of the Trinity, Oxford et al., ...
Vial Marc. Richard J. Plantinga, Thomas R. Thompson, Matthew D. Lundberg, An Introduction to Christi...
Collange Jean-François. Ralph P. Martin, New Testament foundations. A Guide for Christian Students, ...
Stephen Murray. Beauvais Cathedral, architecture of transcendance. Princeton (New Jersey) : Princeto...
John McCallum, Reforming the Scottish Parish: The Reformation in Fife, 1560-1640. St. Andrews Studi...
Kaempf Bernard. Sean O'Conaill, Scattering the Proud. Christianity beyond 2000, Dublin, Columba Pres...
Arnold Matthieu. James Kirk, Patterns of Reform. Continuity and Change in the Reformation Kirk, Edim...
Courcelle Pierre. 128. Wolfson (Harry Austryn). The Philosophy of the Church Fathers, Vol. 1, Faith,...
Andrieux Francis. J. C. Murray, Le problème de Dieu, de la Bible à l'incroyance contemporaine. Paris...
Séjourné Paul. Thomas Fitzgerald, De habitations Spiritus sancti doctrina s. Thomae Aquinatis, 1949....