For the differential equation ()=()+(), ≥0 on a Hilbert space , we find the necessary and sufficient conditions that the above-mentioned equation has a unique almost periodic solution. Some applications are also given
International audienceIn this paper we prove the existence and uniqueness of $C^{(n)}$-almost period...
summary:The linear differential equation $(q):y''=q(t)y$ with the uniformly almost-periodic function...
AbstractWe first present some results about pseudo almost periodic functions. Then we use these resu...
We prove almost periodicity of solutions of the equation x″(t)=Ax(t) when the linear operator A sati...
Abstract. We prove almost periodicity of solutions of the equation x′′(t)=Ax(t) when the linear oper...
AbstractIn a Hilbert space, certain solutions of second-order nonhomogeneous linear differential equ...
AbstractIn this paper we present some quite simple results concerning almost-periodic solutions of a...
There are three kinds of results. First we extend and sharpen a convexity inequality of Agmon and Ni...
International audienceWe give sufficient conditions for the existence of almost periodic solutions o...
AbstractLet L be an arbitrary linear partial differential operator and let f be an almost periodic f...
Abstract. Using ergodicity of functions, we prove the existence and uniqueness of (asymptotically) a...
Abstract. We construct a Sobolev-type space of almost periodic functions, in which we study differen...
The existence of almost periodic, asymptotically almost periodic, almost automorphic, asymptotically...
AbstractIn this paper, we first investigate some basic properties of remotely almost periodic functi...
In this paper, we analyze the existence and uniqueness of remotely almost periodic solutions for sys...
International audienceIn this paper we prove the existence and uniqueness of $C^{(n)}$-almost period...
summary:The linear differential equation $(q):y''=q(t)y$ with the uniformly almost-periodic function...
AbstractWe first present some results about pseudo almost periodic functions. Then we use these resu...
We prove almost periodicity of solutions of the equation x″(t)=Ax(t) when the linear operator A sati...
Abstract. We prove almost periodicity of solutions of the equation x′′(t)=Ax(t) when the linear oper...
AbstractIn a Hilbert space, certain solutions of second-order nonhomogeneous linear differential equ...
AbstractIn this paper we present some quite simple results concerning almost-periodic solutions of a...
There are three kinds of results. First we extend and sharpen a convexity inequality of Agmon and Ni...
International audienceWe give sufficient conditions for the existence of almost periodic solutions o...
AbstractLet L be an arbitrary linear partial differential operator and let f be an almost periodic f...
Abstract. Using ergodicity of functions, we prove the existence and uniqueness of (asymptotically) a...
Abstract. We construct a Sobolev-type space of almost periodic functions, in which we study differen...
The existence of almost periodic, asymptotically almost periodic, almost automorphic, asymptotically...
AbstractIn this paper, we first investigate some basic properties of remotely almost periodic functi...
In this paper, we analyze the existence and uniqueness of remotely almost periodic solutions for sys...
International audienceIn this paper we prove the existence and uniqueness of $C^{(n)}$-almost period...
summary:The linear differential equation $(q):y''=q(t)y$ with the uniformly almost-periodic function...
AbstractWe first present some results about pseudo almost periodic functions. Then we use these resu...