Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly and corneal endothelial dystrophy: a case series Anomalia de Axenfeld-Rieger e distrofia corneana endotelial: uma série de casos

  • Mariana Borges Oliveira
  • Roberto dos Santos Mitraud
  • Riuitiro Yamane
Publication date
December 2008
Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia


Report of a study of a family with a remarkable combination of endothelial corneal dystrophy, and anterior chamber dysgenesis classified as Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly. A 56 year-old female had blurred vision complaints. A slit lamp evaluation showed a bilateral posterior embryotoxon and guttata with corneal edema, Descemet membrane's folds, characterizing Fuchs endothelial dystrophy. A 27 year-old daughter was asymptomatic. The biomicroscopic exam disclosed a bilateral nasal and temporal posterior embryotoxon and a central guttata. Gonioscopy showed iridocorneal strands with a prominent Schwalbe´s line. The intraocular pressure was normal. Her sister, a 25 year-old female presented very similar abnormalities along with her brother (22 years ol...

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