While the presence of non-state armed group al-Shabaab is primarily concentrated in Mogadishu and central Somalia, their influence has extended beyond the borders out into the lives of Somali refugees who sought to escape the violence...
The rise of Al Shabaab was achieved primarily in three ways. The first way was through the power gra...
Last month, the Somali terrorist group Al Shabaab attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, killing 61 ...
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen has proven itself to be a highly adaptable organisation. Their most...
Al-Shabaab’s recent terror attack on the Westgate mall in Nairobi is not, as some have argued,...
This study examines the continued development and survival of the group, Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujah...
Al-Shabaab has remained a resilient threat in the Horn of Africa and one of the few Islamist insurge...
Abstract: The Federal government needs to devise genuine mechanisms and find a negotiated solution –...
This report briefly examines Al Shabaab (aka Harakat Shabaab al Mujahidin, or Mujahidin Youth Moveme...
Al Shabaab presents a growing threat to Somalia. After it formalised its association with al-Qaeda, ...
This study is motivated by threats faced by Somalia and other countries in fighting terrorism. Altho...
Somalia has been one of the UN member countries who lingers from the presence of terrorist groups in...
I began collecting data for this paper almost two years ago at a time when the role of the Somali di...
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen has proven itself to be a highly adaptable organisation. Their most...
<p>The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, backed by the United Nations and protected by AMI...
Similar to several insurgent groups in Africa, Al-Shabaab in Somalia has pledged allegiance to al-Qa...
The rise of Al Shabaab was achieved primarily in three ways. The first way was through the power gra...
Last month, the Somali terrorist group Al Shabaab attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, killing 61 ...
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen has proven itself to be a highly adaptable organisation. Their most...
Al-Shabaab’s recent terror attack on the Westgate mall in Nairobi is not, as some have argued,...
This study examines the continued development and survival of the group, Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujah...
Al-Shabaab has remained a resilient threat in the Horn of Africa and one of the few Islamist insurge...
Abstract: The Federal government needs to devise genuine mechanisms and find a negotiated solution –...
This report briefly examines Al Shabaab (aka Harakat Shabaab al Mujahidin, or Mujahidin Youth Moveme...
Al Shabaab presents a growing threat to Somalia. After it formalised its association with al-Qaeda, ...
This study is motivated by threats faced by Somalia and other countries in fighting terrorism. Altho...
Somalia has been one of the UN member countries who lingers from the presence of terrorist groups in...
I began collecting data for this paper almost two years ago at a time when the role of the Somali di...
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen has proven itself to be a highly adaptable organisation. Their most...
<p>The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, backed by the United Nations and protected by AMI...
Similar to several insurgent groups in Africa, Al-Shabaab in Somalia has pledged allegiance to al-Qa...
The rise of Al Shabaab was achieved primarily in three ways. The first way was through the power gra...
Last month, the Somali terrorist group Al Shabaab attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, killing 61 ...
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen has proven itself to be a highly adaptable organisation. Their most...