For a connected graph G of ordern, a set S of vertices of G is a geodetic set of G ifeach vertex n of G lies on a x-y geodesic for someelements x and y in S. The minimum cardinality of ageodetic set of G is defined as the geodetic numberof G, denoted by g(G). A geodetic set of cardinalityg(G) is called a g-set of G. A set S of vertices of aconnected graph G is an open geodetic set of G iffor each vertex n in G, either n is an extreme vertexof G and n Î S; or n is an internal vertex of an x-ygeodesic for some x,yÎS. An open geodetic set ofminimum cardinality is a minimum open geodeticset and this cardinality is the open geodeticnumber, og(G). An open geodetic set S in aconnected graph G is called a minimal opengeodetic set if no proper subse...