Cyanotoxins: New health risk factor in Serbia

  • Juković Mirela F.
  • Svirčev Zorica B.
  • Baltić Vladimir Vit.
  • Stojanović Dejan B.
  • Mihajlović Aleksandar I.
  • Baltić Milan V.
Publication date
January 2008
National Library of Serbia
Archive of oncology


Cyanobacteria are responsible for poisoning numerous cases of livestock and other animals, but sometimes they induce serious problems in humans. Mass occurrence and blooms of cyanobacteria were studied in rivers, canals, lakes, and accu­mulations that had been examined in Serbia during period 1980-2002. Because of massive blooming of cyanobacteria, when they produce cyanotoxins, which could be responsible for poisoning, and damage of organs, studies are steered to better understanding cyanotoxins effects on human health. The investigation on microcystins, as one of many cyanotoxins, is increas­ing due to the related ecological and public health risks. There is evidence that microcystins have a tumor promoting activity and microcystin-LRcoul...

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