A 2-pole winding development technique is introduced for asynchronous machines with the number of parallel branches in phases increased in 1.5 and 2 times as compared with the number of poles. The technique is confirmed by results of pilot studies
The article substantiates the expediency of using a controlled electric motor in grinding mechanisms...
Abstract—This work provides an in-depth critical analysis related to the feasibility of combining mu...
THE PURPOSE. To investigate the existing methods of frequency control and their influence on the cha...
Подана методика створення двополюсних обмоток асинхронних машин із збільшеною кількістю паралельних ...
The article considers the issues of increasing energy efficiency by using multi-speed motors, and al...
The paper presents a new double layer three phase 3/6 pole-changing winding, with 72 slots and 6 ter...
19th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2010 -- 6 September 2010 through 8 Septem...
Requirement for pole-changing motors emerged at the very early times of asynchronous motor design. D...
Single-phase induction (asynchronous) motors are widely used at home. These motors have two windings...
Salient Pole Wound Field Synchronous Machines have better efficiency at full load than asynchronous ...
The Numerous lift installation require two speeds of rotation for the work. One of them is necessary...
The paper deals with the design of seven times parallel synchronous generator winding. The parallel ...
The stability improvement of a round rotor synchronous machine by using a two-way parallel field win...
The article presents a methodology for developing pole-switched windings with a pole pair ratio of 5...
This paper reports on the study of winding asymmetries in small synchronous generators. These types ...
The article substantiates the expediency of using a controlled electric motor in grinding mechanisms...
Abstract—This work provides an in-depth critical analysis related to the feasibility of combining mu...
THE PURPOSE. To investigate the existing methods of frequency control and their influence on the cha...
Подана методика створення двополюсних обмоток асинхронних машин із збільшеною кількістю паралельних ...
The article considers the issues of increasing energy efficiency by using multi-speed motors, and al...
The paper presents a new double layer three phase 3/6 pole-changing winding, with 72 slots and 6 ter...
19th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2010 -- 6 September 2010 through 8 Septem...
Requirement for pole-changing motors emerged at the very early times of asynchronous motor design. D...
Single-phase induction (asynchronous) motors are widely used at home. These motors have two windings...
Salient Pole Wound Field Synchronous Machines have better efficiency at full load than asynchronous ...
The Numerous lift installation require two speeds of rotation for the work. One of them is necessary...
The paper deals with the design of seven times parallel synchronous generator winding. The parallel ...
The stability improvement of a round rotor synchronous machine by using a two-way parallel field win...
The article presents a methodology for developing pole-switched windings with a pole pair ratio of 5...
This paper reports on the study of winding asymmetries in small synchronous generators. These types ...
The article substantiates the expediency of using a controlled electric motor in grinding mechanisms...
Abstract—This work provides an in-depth critical analysis related to the feasibility of combining mu...
THE PURPOSE. To investigate the existing methods of frequency control and their influence on the cha...