2012Isu Good Corporate Governance (GCG) berkembang seiring terjadinya \ud skandal keuangan yang menimpa beberapa perusahaan besar seperti Enron dan \ud WorldCom. Indonesia sebagai negara berpenduduk mayoritas Islam tentunya \ud harus mengetahui dan memahami prinsip GCG yang Islami dalam melaksanakan \ud bisnis. Entitas syariah yang semakin berkembang menuntut para pelaku bisnis \ud menerapkan GCG yang sesuai dengan prinsip syariah. \ud \ud Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perspektif Islam tentang good \ud corporate governance. Penelitian ini dijelaskan dengan menggunakan metode \ud kepus takaan dan dideskripsikan secara kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah \ud Laporan Pelaksanaan Good Corporate governance bank syariah...
Bank is financial institution, which is a fungtioning financial intermediary from two parties, namel...
One important aspect that can encourage the optimization of the Islamic finance industry in Indonesi...
Tata kelola perusahaan yang baik merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk melindungi kepentingan...
Isu Good Corporate Governance (GCG) berkembang seiring terjadinya skandal keuangan yang menimpa bebe...
Abstrak Good Corporate Governance ialah prinsip yang populer untuk menjaga integritas organisasi di ...
The Good Corporate Governance (GCG) facing challenges to Islamic banks nowadays not only in Indonesi...
Asbtract Good Corporate Governance (GCG) or good governance provides a positive value to Islamic ba...
Corporate Governance is a relatively new issue in the world of business management. Corporate govern...
As one of the business entities under the umbrella of the unitary state of Indonesia, Islamic banks ...
Basically, good corporate governance is the implementation of the vision and mission of Islamic bank...
This study is about good corporate governance is an increasingly crowded studied both in the acadimi...
ABSTRAK Skripsi dengan judul “Analisis Praktik Prinsip Good Corporate Governance pada Bank Jatim...
The emergence of concept of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is basedon agency theory that expects th...
The problems of Good Corporate Governance/GCG in Indonesia have wide responses, to some extent of it...
This research is departing from the development of Islamic banking industry, which is growing rapidl...
Bank is financial institution, which is a fungtioning financial intermediary from two parties, namel...
One important aspect that can encourage the optimization of the Islamic finance industry in Indonesi...
Tata kelola perusahaan yang baik merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk melindungi kepentingan...
Isu Good Corporate Governance (GCG) berkembang seiring terjadinya skandal keuangan yang menimpa bebe...
Abstrak Good Corporate Governance ialah prinsip yang populer untuk menjaga integritas organisasi di ...
The Good Corporate Governance (GCG) facing challenges to Islamic banks nowadays not only in Indonesi...
Asbtract Good Corporate Governance (GCG) or good governance provides a positive value to Islamic ba...
Corporate Governance is a relatively new issue in the world of business management. Corporate govern...
As one of the business entities under the umbrella of the unitary state of Indonesia, Islamic banks ...
Basically, good corporate governance is the implementation of the vision and mission of Islamic bank...
This study is about good corporate governance is an increasingly crowded studied both in the acadimi...
ABSTRAK Skripsi dengan judul “Analisis Praktik Prinsip Good Corporate Governance pada Bank Jatim...
The emergence of concept of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is basedon agency theory that expects th...
The problems of Good Corporate Governance/GCG in Indonesia have wide responses, to some extent of it...
This research is departing from the development of Islamic banking industry, which is growing rapidl...
Bank is financial institution, which is a fungtioning financial intermediary from two parties, namel...
One important aspect that can encourage the optimization of the Islamic finance industry in Indonesi...
Tata kelola perusahaan yang baik merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk melindungi kepentingan...