Search for new particles at LEP

  • Baroncelli, A
  • Di Ciaccio, Lucia
  • Lipniacka, A
Publication date
January 1999
Springer Science and Business Media LLC


The present review tries to give an exhaustive view of the techniques and of the results obtained so far in a field which evolves and produces new results very rapidly. This review is based on published results only. The first two sections contain a short description of the LEP accelerator and of the experiments surrounding it. Two sections on standard model and MSSM Higgs searches, respectively, follow. Another section is dedicated to all the many SUSY particles the existence of which is predicted by MSSM and another one contains a description of results based on models other than standard model and MSSM. Finally the last section contains a short description of some of the analysis problems frequently encountered in these searches. (142 re...

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