Laying hens are kept in production until the age of 75-80 wk, but the actual egg production period is only 55-60 weeks long, as young pullets start producing eggs approximately at 20 wk of age. During a single laying cycle a hen can produce on average 360 eggs. Extending the egg production period and keeping hens longer, possibly until 100 wk of age would not only contribute to increased profitability but also to more sustainable food production. In a longer laying cycle, the costs of egg production (e.g.: pullet purchase price, feed) are balanced by the earnings of a longer productive period and replacement of hens, depopulation and cleaning of stables would be less often required. However, there are several bottlenecks in extending the pr...
Chickens start laying eggs around 21 weeks of age. Some bantam or ornamental breeds won\u27t lay unt...
AbstractEgg consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about animal welfare, so it is crucial to ...
The results of experiments described in this thesis fall into two categories: (a) The effects of res...
Laying hens are kept in production until the age of 75-80 wk, but the actual egg production period i...
In the past 50years, selection starting initially at the breed level and then using quantitative gen...
1. In the past 50 years, selection starting initially at the breed level and then using quantitative...
In the third decade of the 21st century, starting from 2020, leading breeding companies promise that...
An experiment was conducted with 480 Hy-Line W-36 laying hens to determine whether feeding diets tha...
We studied the influence of pre-incubation weight of eggs (EW) laid by 24 wk-old brown laying breede...
National audienceEgg quality is influenced by various factors, such as the hen age and the egg stora...
Vita.The economics of egg production is greatly affected by the feeding program, rate of egg product...
We studied the influence of the nutritive value (AMEn, SID Lys, and Ca) of diets fed to pullets from...
Free range and organic systems expose the laying hen more to unexpected events and adverse climatic ...
The aim of the present trial was to study the effect of two different dietary phosphorus (P) levels ...
Laying hen rearing systems have been the focus of scientific research for many years. Over the last ...
Chickens start laying eggs around 21 weeks of age. Some bantam or ornamental breeds won\u27t lay unt...
AbstractEgg consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about animal welfare, so it is crucial to ...
The results of experiments described in this thesis fall into two categories: (a) The effects of res...
Laying hens are kept in production until the age of 75-80 wk, but the actual egg production period i...
In the past 50years, selection starting initially at the breed level and then using quantitative gen...
1. In the past 50 years, selection starting initially at the breed level and then using quantitative...
In the third decade of the 21st century, starting from 2020, leading breeding companies promise that...
An experiment was conducted with 480 Hy-Line W-36 laying hens to determine whether feeding diets tha...
We studied the influence of pre-incubation weight of eggs (EW) laid by 24 wk-old brown laying breede...
National audienceEgg quality is influenced by various factors, such as the hen age and the egg stora...
Vita.The economics of egg production is greatly affected by the feeding program, rate of egg product...
We studied the influence of the nutritive value (AMEn, SID Lys, and Ca) of diets fed to pullets from...
Free range and organic systems expose the laying hen more to unexpected events and adverse climatic ...
The aim of the present trial was to study the effect of two different dietary phosphorus (P) levels ...
Laying hen rearing systems have been the focus of scientific research for many years. Over the last ...
Chickens start laying eggs around 21 weeks of age. Some bantam or ornamental breeds won\u27t lay unt...
AbstractEgg consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about animal welfare, so it is crucial to ...
The results of experiments described in this thesis fall into two categories: (a) The effects of res...