Onderzoek naar de psychosociale gevolgen van georganiseerd geweld en ged wongen migratie wijst op de pervasieve impact van pre-migratie trauma en post-migratie stressoren op het psychosociale welbevinden van gevluchte kinderen en volwassenen. Een ruime meerderheid van studies richt zich o p prevalentie-onderzoek naar psychiatrische morbiditeit en symptomatolog ie en lokaliseert hierdoor de psychosociale impact van gedwongen migrati e in de lineaire, causale relatie tussen traumatische life-events en int ra-individuele gevolgen binnen klinische beelden van diagnostische const ructen. Onderzoek naar het gezinsfunctioneren tijdens het gedwongen migr atieproces toont echter aan hoe relationele processen van intra-familial e steun, gezinsconflic...
ALTHOUGH the vast majority of refugees have suffered trauma and extended separation from their famil...
Part 1. Refugee Families. In Chapter 2, we presented an overview of existing literature on the impac...
Although a robust literature describes the intergenerational effects of traumatic experiences in var...
Starting from an outline of the refugee experience as a process of cumulative traumatisation, we rev...
Starting from an outline of the refugee experience as a process of cumulative traumatisation, we rev...
Refugee families incur many different types of stressors in the course of the phases prior to flight...
We examined post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depressive symptoms in refugee mothers and the...
Although forced migration research on refugee family functioning clearly points to the potential bre...
Although forced migration research on refugee family functioning clearly points to the potential bre...
This study investigated the role of personality factors, coping and attachment in torture survivors’...
Vor dem Hintergrund der steigenden aufenthaltsrechtlichen Relevanz der Diagnose einer Posttraumatisc...
The successful integration of refugees is one of the defining challenges for asylum countries such a...
The purpose of this study was to gain insight into refuges experience of traumatic events such as to...
Die psychische Gesundheit von MigrantInnen und Flüchtlingen wurde in vergangenen Jahren vielfach unt...
In these turbulant times of war and poverty more and more people are forced to flee from their homel...
ALTHOUGH the vast majority of refugees have suffered trauma and extended separation from their famil...
Part 1. Refugee Families. In Chapter 2, we presented an overview of existing literature on the impac...
Although a robust literature describes the intergenerational effects of traumatic experiences in var...
Starting from an outline of the refugee experience as a process of cumulative traumatisation, we rev...
Starting from an outline of the refugee experience as a process of cumulative traumatisation, we rev...
Refugee families incur many different types of stressors in the course of the phases prior to flight...
We examined post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depressive symptoms in refugee mothers and the...
Although forced migration research on refugee family functioning clearly points to the potential bre...
Although forced migration research on refugee family functioning clearly points to the potential bre...
This study investigated the role of personality factors, coping and attachment in torture survivors’...
Vor dem Hintergrund der steigenden aufenthaltsrechtlichen Relevanz der Diagnose einer Posttraumatisc...
The successful integration of refugees is one of the defining challenges for asylum countries such a...
The purpose of this study was to gain insight into refuges experience of traumatic events such as to...
Die psychische Gesundheit von MigrantInnen und Flüchtlingen wurde in vergangenen Jahren vielfach unt...
In these turbulant times of war and poverty more and more people are forced to flee from their homel...
ALTHOUGH the vast majority of refugees have suffered trauma and extended separation from their famil...
Part 1. Refugee Families. In Chapter 2, we presented an overview of existing literature on the impac...
Although a robust literature describes the intergenerational effects of traumatic experiences in var...